iFood Offers Show will take promotions to the streets of Rio and São Paulo

Initiatives invite consumers to participate in the coupon hunt that will have discounts distributed throughout the cities and activations on the Copacabana waterfront and in Ibirapuera Park

São Paulo, November 22, 2021 – Traditionally during the month of November, iFood promotes great promotions and offers on television or social media. But this time, the company decided to also take its offers to the streets with different experiences to interact with customers. Anyone traveling through the capitals of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro may be surprised by a coupon hunt. The initiative is part of the Show de Ofertas actions, which also offers discounts throughout Brazil through the iFood application. The coupon hunt takes place in two ways: on Thursdays in the main neighborhoods of these cities, and also on Sundays in Ibirapuera Park (SP) and Copacabana Beach (RJ), with a map and clues to find the 'treasures'.

How the Coupon Hunt will work

In Ibirapuera Park and Orla do Rio, participating is very simple. Upon arriving at the location, those interested will see a map, with tips and clues to find the coupons with the offers. Participants must solve the clue of the day, find the treasure, create content and share it in Stories with #shoowdeofertasnoibira or #shoowdeofertasnorio. Whoever returns to the map location and presents the post will receive a prize if they get the final riddle correct. The initiative has a limit of 300 prizes per day, which will be converted into credits in the iFood app. The actions take place every Sunday in November. In Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo it will be in the iFood space, and in Rio in all iFood kiosks in Copacabana and Leme.

Furthermore, on the streets of the capitals of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, surprise activations have been taking place every Thursday night, until November 25th. The suggestion is: have you seen the code? Take a photo, share it on social media and tag @ifoodbrasil. Each customer can enjoy the benefit once.

About iFood

iFood, a reference in online food delivery in Latin America, has 60 million monthly orders. Having been on the market for ten years, the Brazilian company is also present in Colombia. It works together with partners with initiatives that bring together business intelligence and management solutions for the approximately 270 thousand restaurants registered in more than a thousand cities throughout Brazil. iFood has important investors, such as Movile, a global leader in mobile marketplaces, and Just Eat, one of the largest online ordering companies in the world. iFood News was recently launched, an iFood news portal that promotes current topics such as the New Economy and content about business curiosities, partners' success stories in addition to addressing trends and innovation in the segment.

More information: press@ifood.com.br / ifood@agoracomunica.com.br
news.ifood.com.br / @ifoodnewsbrasil

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