Solidarity in the palm of your hand: for the first time, donations to Criança Esperança can also be made directly on the iFood app

Platform has established itself as a donation tool to support various causes and as a Solidarity Company of the campaign it will raise funds to support education and school dropout

iFood, a leading Brazilian technology company in Latin America, with the purpose of feeding the future of the world, for the first time dives head first into a partnership with UNESCO and Globo in the edition of Criança Esperança in 2022. As a Solidarity Company for the campaign and with a focus on contributing to education and combating school dropouts, the partnership between iFood, Globo and Unesco will use technology with the iFood app to encourage and facilitate donations that will contribute to improving the lives of thousands of benefiting children for the social projects supported by the program.

Donations can be made through the iFood app, both when completing an order and through the donations area in the app. All contributions will automatically go to UNESCO, which will define the allocation of resources in projects aimed at educating children and adolescents.

In just over a year, iFood has already allocated more than R$13 million in donations made on the app to eight partner NGOs focusing on food security, the environment and education. Digital solidarity also contributed to minimizing the impacts caused by natural disasters that occurred in Bahia, Maranhão and Rio de Janeiro. 

“Technology has been an important ally in connecting people, institutions and donors and creating a digital network of solidarity. Therefore, we believe that with this partnership with Criança Esperança we will be able to make a difference in the lives of thousands of needy young people”, says Flavia Rosso, Sustainability Manager at iFood.

Who are the partner NGOs: Ação da Cidadania, Central Única das Favelas (CUFA), Gastromotiva, Gerando Falcões, Orgânico Solidário, SOS Mata Atlântica, Todos pela Educação and UNESCO.

'Criança Esperança' is a partnership between Globo and UNESCO, and to date more than R$430 million in donations have been invested in Brazil in around six thousand social projects, benefiting more than four million children, adolescents and young people across the world National territory. 

How to donate through the iFood app:

  1. Open the application
  2. Click on “Profile”
  3. Scroll down until you find “Donations”
  4. In “Ways to donate”, choose “Donate to Criança Esperança”.
  5. Click on “I want to donate”
  6. Define the amount to be donated, the payment method and then choose “Send donation”. Ready!
  7. Another way to donate in the app is through the “Customer Profile”, in the “Donations” section, where it is possible to choose one of the entities to support with the amount the customer wants. Follow here step by step on how to donate.

The app is set up to automatically donate to UNESCO for customers who want to participate. Those who wish to support other iFood partner NGOs can select the institution and allocate the desired amount.

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