Easy Delivery: iFood delivery outside the app

New tool for Partners, iFood's Entrega Fácil offers delivery solutions for establishments in addition to the app

With the digitalization of services accelerated by the pandemic, the delivery It also became an opportunity to grow a business, and above all, to make an easy delivery.

According to the 2nd Survey Sebrae and Abrasel – Situation and Perspectives of the Away-from-Home Food Segment, quick service and delivery already account for half of the business, and 50% of entrepreneurs who grew during the pandemic invested in the model.

Furthermore, the survey “Brazil: main apps for ordering food online” (2021), by Statista, a global market analysis platform, around 70% of smartphone users used iFood as a delivery app.

What is easy delivery?

Firstly, it was in the scenario that we showed that hybrid business models also emerge. At iFood, this solution is called Entrega Fácil, a fusion of foodtech logistics with orders made outside the application platform. I.e: restaurants, bars and stores can activate foodtech delivery to meet orders made through other service channels.

“It is important to emphasize that the customer continues to belong to the restaurant, and not to the app. The entire relationship belongs to the establishment, and iFood only acts as a facilitator”, explains Viviane Sevaios, from the company’s Restaurant Product and Engineering team.

According to her, the entire ecosystem tends to benefit from functionality: the restaurant that has more possibilities and delivery security; the delivery man, who will have more orders and less idle time; and the consumer, who will have the option of tracking the product.

“We realized that there was a pent-up demand from restaurants, for orders that are not generated within the iFood app. More than 1,500 businesses were interviewed to understand how we could help them in this delivery journey”, explains Pablo Hughes, head of the iFood business unit, about the research commissioned by the foodtech from Ibope Intelligence.

According to the executive, the Entrega Fácil pilot project is already running in 47 Brazilian cities. Furthermore, it will gradually expand to all platform partners. “The objective is to help restaurants and stores amplify their service, so that they can use iFood’s partner logistics as a boosting tool.”

In practice

At Dengo, a brand of artisanal chocolates, the adoption of Entrega Fácil has increased the operation. Thus, with 29 stores, in the cities of São Paulo, Sorocaba, Campinas, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasília and Curitiba, delivery with iFood partner couriers has reduced customer waiting time and ensures safety throughout the entire process. delivery — this is what Bruno Manfrini, the company's delivery coordinator, points out.

“For Dengo, which deals with the handling of a sensitive product – and which is often for gifts – delivery time is fundamental to the customer experience. Today, 15% of our sales already happen through iFood, our main means of sales after face-to-face sales.

However, in other channels, we were still unable to offer delivery as fast as that offered in the app. Now, with Entrega Fácil, being able to tell the customer that the purchase will arrive in a matter of minutes makes all the difference.”

Finally, with five stores already using Entrega Fácil, Dengo's expectation is to extend the service to the entire network in time to meet Black Friday and Christmas orders. “Even the flow in stores tends to change, since iFood has delivery hubs within the main shopping malls”, concludes Bruno.

How iFood Easy Delivery works:

1. The order arrives via telephone, social networks or messaging services;
2. The establishment enters the order in the iFood Order Manager;
3. In the Manager itself, the restaurant has information about the availability of the delivery partner, as well as the cost of delivery;
4. iFood locates an available delivery person, who collects the product from the store and delivers it to the consumer.

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