iFood and Sebrae offer free online courses for restaurants

Partnership brings training content on management, marketing and finance for food entrepreneurs

Inflation is the main challenge for eight out of ten entrepreneurs who run a restaurant in Brazil — and 61% think that attracting customers and increasing sales will be difficult in this scenario, points out the research “Food in the Pandemic”, carried out in 2022 by ANR (National Association of Restaurants), the consultancy Galunion and the Instituto Foodservice Brasil (IFB) with 817 respondents.

Maintaining the business competitive in an environment with a lot of variety and promotions for the public worries 19% of these entrepreneurs — and a quarter of them fear that their business will not survive in 2022, according to the survey. 

“Many times, those who are entrepreneurs in the food sector open a business out of necessity. We saw this abundantly in the pandemic. Many people who became unemployed started selling food in an unplanned way, without studying the market, thinking about location, profitability”, says Vicente Scalia, competitiveness analyst at Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses).

The problem is that many of these entrepreneurs have talent in the making, but they don't always know much about management, says Scalia. “You need to understand the market, pricing, suppliers. In the food sector, training has to be permanent.”

To help those who want to improve their restaurant management, iFood offers, in partnership with Sebrae, 40 free content for entrepreneurs in this sector, who are available on the initiative's website.

“We are always looking for new ways to improve the restaurant experience with iFood. Training is a good way for them to have better results, especially with delivery”, says Arnaldo Bertolaccini, vice president of restaurants at iFood. 

Entrepreneurs in the sector in general have more difficulty promoting their business, comments Scalia. “Doing marketing work is important, even more so in the digital market, on social networks. This visibility is very important,” he says. “Another big challenge is training the workforce, which is very rotating.”

The courses were organized into five learning paths to improve business management and increase delivery sales, a modality already adopted by 89% of the restaurants that responded to the ANR survey.

The partnership with Sebrae is another initiative by the company to train partners for entrepreneurship, but other content to increase restaurant sales can be found on the platform iFood Takes Off. “Just like iFood, many partners are hungry to undertake, dream big and want to improve performance on our app. Therefore, in addition to the partnership with Sebrae, we offer iFood Decola courses to generate continuous learning and provide more practical tips on entrepreneurship and delivery sales”, says Sylmara Ramon, Education Manager at iFood.

Check out the partnership’s course trail below. To find out more about the Entrepreneur Week and everything else that the company offers to partner restaurants, access iFood for Partners.

Financial management

  • Financial planning for bars and restaurants post-pandemic
  • Working capital
  • How to use financial indicators in decision making

Digital marketing

  • First steps to having a digital presence
  • Create email marketing to attract more customers
  • Use Whatsapp Business to maintain sales
  • 5 tips to attract more customers using social media

Restaurant management

  • The strategic strength of delivery services
  • How to organize an efficient delivery
  • Delivery: the service option that can save your business

People management and team building

  • Leadership in team management
  • Team building as a success strategy
  • Team management as a competitive differentiator
  • Recipe for success: team and service

Entrepreneurship and formalization

  • Innovation and agility: the future of entrepreneurship
  • How to plan your business
  • Recipe for success: your business on the right track
  • How to formalize your business as an individual microentrepreneur
  • How to become an individual microentrepreneur
  • Simple national


iFood Decola + Sebrae Courses

What: classes in financial management, digital marketing, restaurant management, people management and entrepreneurship and formalization

How much: free

Information: in the website

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