How iFood uses AI to help with grocery shopping

Want to know what you need to buy to make that special recipe? The app helps you

How about using AI in grocery shopping? In the iFood app, this is possible. Just say what you want and the artificial intelligence will immediately provide the answer to what you need to buy.

If you say “I want a stroganoff recipe” or “create a list of cleaning products for the month”, artificial intelligence for grocery shopping makes the list.

It could even be something more specific, taking into account those who have dietary restrictions (“I need a breakfast with lactose-free products”), a special occasion (“I want to prepare a party for Saturday!”) or types of recipe (“iFood , what are the ingredients for a carrot cake?”).

How does the app do this?

The answer lies in artificial intelligence. To achieve AI that helps with grocery purchases, the company integrated several internally developed tools with ChatGPT.

The construction of the mechanism was complex. But its use is very simple: just click a button in the application and give a voice command saying what you want.

With a few more clicks, people can choose the products they need and compare those items at markets in their area to ensure they get the best price. Then, just receive the order at home. 

This tool is available throughout the country. To check if you already have access to it, just go to the main Market page within the app and start using it.

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