iFood does not tolerate racism against delivery people

Company provides for suspension or cancellation of customer accounts who express prejudice against professionals

iFood always expects a respectful communication with delivery drivers, establishments and company employees. So much so that this is the first responsibility described in the platform’s terms of use.

That's why, the company does not tolerate any form of prejudice: acts of racism against delivery drivers, restaurants and employees are punished with the suspension or cancellation of the customer's account.

The company reinforces, in the terms of use, that it does not accept any action that diminishes or offends anyone. Therefore, account suspension or cancellation also occurs if a customer demonstrates attitudes that involve, in addition to racism, homophobia, religious or political intolerance, machismo or ableism.

This is because iFood works with the aim that everyone – customers, restaurants and delivery people – have a good experience with delivery and so that we have a fairer society.

You can check these rules in the iFood Platform Terms and Conditions of Use for Users in the app. Just follow these steps:

  • Open the iFood application;
  • In the bottom right corner of the screen, access “Profile”;
  • Scroll to “Help” and select this option;
  • In “Categories”, click on “Policies and Terms” and then on “Terms of Use”.
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