Chocolate Day: check out some interesting facts about this delicacy

Do you know where this cocoa derivative came from and how it became the bars we know today? We count

Chocolate is one of the most delicious (and curious) foods there is. It all started with a sacred drink, and today the sweet cannot be missed in pastry shops, bakeries and desserts. 

Want to know more about this story? Come with us in this short guide about its origins and which also brings curiosities, health benefits and recipes.  

What is the origin of chocolate?

The origin of the sweet dates back to the Aztec civilization, who inhabited the northern and central regions of Mexico between 1300 and 1521. They roasted and ground cocoa beans to transform them into a bitter drink, called cacahuatl or xocolatl.

The Spanish who arrived in the region in the 16th century found the preparation very bitter, almost impossible to consume. Then, they started adding sugar and spices to the drink. 

Chocolate was taken to Spain and, at the beginning of the 17th century, it had also reached Italy and England. For centuries, it was consumed as a drink. Until the Dutch discovered, in the 19th century, how to separate cocoa butter from ground cocoa beans, which made it possible to create cocoa powder and, later, the chocolate bar. 

Who invented chocolate?

The first solid chocolate, which led to the development of bars, was created by the English company Fry and Son in 1847. 

Two innovations improved the candy once and for all: the emergence of milk chocolate and the development of a machine that improved the consistency of the candy. 

In 1876, Swiss confectioner Daniel Peter used powdered milk — created recently by his fellow countryman Henry Nestlé — to make the first milk bar. 

Two years later, industrialist Rudolphe Lindt invented a machine that mixed cocoa beans, sugar and powdered milk together to obtain a product with a smooth consistency.

Since then, chocolate has become one of the most consumed and used products in confectionery products. In 2002, they were consumed 7.5 million tons in the world. 

What are the 4 types of chocolate? 

There are 4 types: milk, bitter (dark), white and ruby. Each type has different sweetness levels, which will depend on the ingredients added to them.

Depending on the type, they can be considered “fine” or “noble”, which are those produced with selected almonds and processed in small batches. 

The cheapest ones are made with processed common almonds and contain the minimum amount of solids and cocoa butter and the maximum amount of sugar and dairy products.

To milk  

Milk chocolate is the most popular and smoothest type of all. It is made with powdered milk and a large proportion of sugar to cocoa butter, which is 20% to 39%. 

Because of the low cocoa butter content, milk chocolate is softer and less rigid than dark or semisweet chocolate. 

Bitter (dark)

The bitter contains cocoa butter and cocoa solids, but does not contain powdered milk or other dairy solids. The bitter contains no sugar, and has between 56% and 99% of cocoa. 

Semisweet, a variation of bitter, contains sugar and cocoa mass (cocoa butter and cocoa solids) in a proportion that varies from 40% to 55%. 


White chocolate is made from a mixture of cocoa butter, powdered milk and sugar, without cocoa solids. 

Invented around 1930, this type is used in contrast to regular chocolate for decoration, and also in bars and Easter eggs. 


Ruby is a type naturally colored in shades of pink that was launched on the market in 2017 by the Belgian brand Barry Callebaut. 

Ruby chocolate is produced with cocoa beans that naturally have a pink hue. The flavor is smooth with hints of wild fruits. 

5 curiosities that will surprise you

From a ritualistic drink of the Aztecs to a mandatory item in confectionery, chocolate has evolved over the centuries to become one of the most consumed and appreciated ingredients. 

See 5 interesting facts below:


Served during religious ceremonies and other rituals of the Aztecs, xocolatl (bitter water), the drink made from cocoa, received seasonings such as fruits, flowers, peppers, vanilla, honey, corn, annatto and even hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Currency trading 

Cocoa beans were so valuable in 14th century Mexico that they were used as currency to purchase items such as gold and clothing. 


Chocolate contains cannabinoid chemical compounds, similar to the active ingredients found in marijuana. However, the substances are present in very small quantities and therefore do not have a psychoactive effect. 

Prohibited for dogs

Consumption by dogs of any breed can be fatal due to theobromine, a highly toxic substance for these animals. Therefore, remember that your pet is prohibited from receiving chocolate. 

Cocoa production

Brazil is the seventh largest cocoa producer in the world, with a production of 265 thousand tons in 2021. The North region is the national leader in production, with 53.2% of the total. 

The largest cocoa producer in the world is Côte d'Ivoire, in Africa, concentrating 39% of world production, followed by Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Ecuador and Cameroon. 

5 sweets that contain chocolate

There are many recipes with chocolate. See some of them below.

Simple chocolate cake

A simple cake uses cocoa powder, melted chocolate bars, eggs, oil or butter, eggs, flour, baking powder and baking soda. Cocoa powder and chocolate guarantee the dark brown color and strong flavor of the cake. 

Hot chocolate 

To make that creamy drink, use chocolate powder, sugar, cornstarch, cream and milk. If you prefer a fitter version, swap sugar for sweetener (xylitol, erythritol or sorbitol), and chocolate powder for cocoa powder. 

Chocolate mousse 

Mousse is a super easy and versatile dessert. Combine egg yolks and melted chocolate in a bain-marie. Add to the egg white mixture. Then, just chill and serve. 


The cold cornstarch biscuit-based dessert has interspersed layers of chocolate cream and white cream. It's an easy dessert, you can't go wrong. 


Ganache is one of the simplest and most versatile chocolate preparations, used as a topping and filling for cakes and to make truffles. 

For smooth ganache, equal measures of chocolate and cream are used. Firmer, two parts chocolate are used for every part cream. 

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