Burger delivery is the most popular in Brazil

iFood alone delivered more than 45 million units of the sandwich in the first quarter of 2022

In Brazil, hamburger delivery is the favorite of those who order food at home. More than three million sandwiches were sold in the first half of 2022, according to research by Hubster published by Fast Company.

In this way, the hamburger took first place in the ranking of sales via delivery in the country from favorites like fried chicken and pizza. The champions in this period were the hamburger (583 thousand orders per month), fried chicken (62 thousand) and French fries (60 thousand). Next came the ice cream (58 thousand) and the Pizza (56 thousand). 

On iFood, burger delivery is also successful. In the first quarter of 2022, the company received more than 45 million burger delivery orders —about 6 every second. Thus, it became, by far, the most requested food in all cities, regions and capitals in Brazil.

Furthermore, the majority of sandwiches are prepared by small and medium-sized restaurants, which represent 72% of the establishments that sell the most on iFood.

The hamburger, in fact, reigned supreme in the balance of more orders on iFood in 2021. During the year, more than 100 million sandwiches were delivered across the country — about 4 per second.

Vegan burger delivery is also a success

In short, Brazilians like the most stuffed sandwiches. On iFood, the best sellers during this period were the popular X-tudo, X-bacon, X-burger. and X-salad.

According to Fast Company, the burger has long ceased to be a simple combination of bread and ground meat. Now there are also gourmet alternatives thanks to the wide variety of types of burgers, bread, side dishes and seasonings.

And there’s also something for those who don’t eat meat. These are the alternatives plant-based, which, incidentally, tops the list of vegan and vegetarian requests in the iFood app.

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