Panettone or chocolate? Find out who wins on iFood

Brazilians have a clear preference when ordering on the app (in almost all regions except one)

O Attal It's a time of celebration, but also of delicious controversies, such as the use of raisins — not only in rice, but in panettone. After all, there are those who like traditional panettone, with berries, and others who prefer chocotone. But what about iFood, who wins in this dispute, panettone or chocotone?

In this case, tradition wins. Six out of ten Brazilians who place this order on iFood opt for the recipe that emerged in Italy in the 15th century: cake with candied fruits. 

In the general average, the chocotone is 40%. It is preferred only in the North region, where the percentages are reversed: between the two, 6 out of every 10 orders are for chocotone.

Does this have to do with the production of cocoa in the Amazon? Christmas speculation in this sense can lengthen the conversation on supper day, while guests make their choices. Rice with or without raisins, for example. And panettone or chocolate.

Increase in panettone sales in 2022

iFood recorded an average growth of 12% in orders for panettone and chocotone in November 2022 compared to the same month in 2021. This increase was more significant in the Central-West, where the increase was 93% in relation to panettone and 64% in chocolates. In the North, there was an increase of 71% in orders for chocolate.

Finally, it is worth highlighting that panettone and chocotone are seasonal products, whose sales begin in mid-September and end in March, generally close to the Easter.

Perhaps this could even be a problem for those who really like these delicacies and want to be able to eat them all year round. In fact, would this be breaking some kind of tradition? Okay, here's to more delicious controversies.

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