6 behavior and technology trends that will shake up 2022

Linkedin, a social network focused on the job market, listed the trends to keep an eye on in 2022. Here we bring the main points. Check out!

Linkedin survey highlights the themes that should stand out this year — find out what their main points are

At the end of 2021, Linkedin listed the main trends in behavior and technology that are emerging on the platform, identified from the interaction between users and curated by its editorial team.

Called Big Ideas, these points reflect the community's opinions on various topics, including mental health, technology and ESG. iFood News compiled the highlights of this survey, and you can see them below:

1. Attention to mental health

The market must remain attentive to the impact caused by the Covid-19 pandemic on people's daily lives and mental health. After all, there was a global increase of 28% in cases of depression during the period, according to research published by the medical journal The Lancet, points out the survey. Furthermore, it is necessary to take into account the exhaustion of health professionals.

But technology brings good news: Linkedin lists some initiatives that are already underway, such as applications and wearables (wearable devices) capable of identifying symptoms so that they can be monitored in real time and treated more effectively.

2. Smart movement around the city

Remote work is more productive, according to research recently published by Regus —and 93% of the workers interviewed highlight having the freedom to decide where and when they will work as an advantage.

Linkedin highlights that hybrid models and alternative work schedules can cooperate to distribute traffic more evenly throughout the day, avoiding the famous peak hours, in addition to encouraging a new relationship with the home x work commute, in non-polluting modes and increasingly local offices. The platform also mentions the concept of 15 minute cities, also highlighted by iFood News as a trend.

3. Diversity, diversity and more diversity!

In 2022, companies will be held even more accountable for their equality actions, racial and gender. Based on various research, the platform points out that people will be more attentive to these topics (and that isolated actions will no longer have as much effect). One of the data presented in the article is that around 50% of multicultural women are considering leaving their jobs in the next few years “because they believe that both gender and race make advancement more difficult.”

4. The time for cryptocurrencies

It is blockchain they are paths of no return. Already adopted even in the public sphere, the payment method is increasingly part of people's daily lives, especially due to transparency, which, according to the article, is one of its great advantages. Additionally, automation and security can reduce the risk of errors.

5. Roads… made of plastic?

The disposal plastic The environment is a hot topic in companies. According to Linkedin's forecast, however, the material could be of great value in solving another problem: the quality of Brazilian roads and highways. The text points to initiatives such as PlasticRoad, which are already working on solutions with the material to replace asphalt. Result: roads that are easier to build and repair, resistant to heavy rain and, of course, recyclable.

6. The revolution in the metaverse

O metaverse was one of the big themes of 2021, and will remain in evidence in 2022. However, as Linkedin indicates, the discussion about this technology should be different: will it be controlled by big techs, or will the open platform bring decentralization to the fore? We will follow this debate over the next year.

To read the original article on Linkedin, with the complete list, Click here.

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