The 7 most desired soft skills in the technology area

Experts reveal which are the most important behavioral skills that professionals in the field should develop

Soft skills These are the behavioral skills that each person acquires throughout their lives and that show how we are capable of dealing with others and our emotions. The better or more positive the response to challenging situations, the more developed these emotional skills will be..

This concept — and its “brother” hard skills, or technical skills— has a military origin. Both emerged in the late 1960s in the United States to name the resources necessary for a soldier to carry out a task. If it were a skill that required the use of machinery, it would be categorized as hard skills. If it wasn't, it was soft skills

This differentiation began to be made when the military realized that not so technical aspects also had their value in troop training, as shown in this article by Scottish developer Joe Wright.

From its origins, it is possible to see that the soft skills they should not be seen as unimportant skills. “In fact, they are difficult to measure and develop, as they are subjective skills. It seems like something simple, but it's not quite like that”, explains Michelle Oliveira, coordinator of soft skills from the Cubos Academy, programmer training school and iFood partner in initiatives such as Tech Movement.

Some time ago, the soft skills have been gaining prominence in selection processes and in texts posted on social networks. At the Google Trends, which gives a thermometer about what people are searching for on the internet, the recurrence of searches for the term increased from 2018 onwards.

In your last job interview, did you come across a question like “tell me about an experience in which you had to resolve a problem with a customer”? Be aware that the recruiting person was wanting to identify some of their soft skills to understand how you behave in situations like this. 

In the corporate world, technical qualifications are not the only thing that hangs in the balance when deciding between two candidates for a vacancy. Soft skills they also matter. “That's why we hear so many statements like 'I'd rather have a professional who learns quickly than one who already knows and doesn't interact well with the team”, says Angélica Madalosso, co-founder and CEO of ILoveMyJob, one hub in employer branding and recruitment marketing. 

The most desired soft skills in tech

Unlike the hard skills, which vary from profession for profession, the soft skills of a person will be useful if he works in any field or area, whether with technology, in the financial or administrative area. 

But this does not mean that all companies value the same skills. Preference for one or the other soft skills it can vary according to the area of activity (a position may require more time management than creativity), the desired level for that vacancy (junior, senior, coordinator, manager) or the company's culture — which may value, for example , working under pressure.

“We hear quite often from companies that they no longer want those very introspective technology professionals, but rather those who know how to get out of their silos and help more and more in the innovation process”, says Angélica.

In the area of technology there is a mix of soft skills desired for those who are in career transition or already have one IT profession. Michelle and Angélica reveal to the iFood News the seven most valued:

Desire to learn

Important for those at the beginning of their careers and for those who have already established themselves in the area. In technology, you must always be willing to learn and update yourself.


Being able to make decisions and carry out work without always needing approval from leadership.

Spirit of collaboration

Know how to work as a team and deal with different people, whether within the technology area or a related area.

Know how to communicate, defend ideas and interact with colleagues.

Emotional intelligence

Self-knowledge about your characteristics and the management of your own emotions in situations that may require an attitude.


Ability to react to unforeseen events, proposing solutions.


Being able to adapt to changes and challenges

How do I know if I have one soft skills?

As these competencies are somewhat subjective, they are more difficult to measure — which is why there is no ready answer to this question, according to experts.

To find out which soft skills you already have and which ones you need to develop, a first step is to practice self-knowledge. “It is important to reflect from time to time on our behaviors and situations in our personal and professional lives. It’s in the little things that we exercise our skills”, explains Angélica. 

Profile and personality tests can also be carried out, as well as the construction of a skills matrix so that the person can evaluate expected behaviors in a more objective way. "You feedbacks, assessments made by peers and leaders are ways of measuring”, says Michelle.

It is possible to develop a soft skills?

Yes. But that doesn't mean it's something simple and quick, like taking a few hours course on “how to communicate better” or “how to be resilient in a constantly changing world”. It is necessary to be aware that it is possible to develop them, but that this takes time, as does the improvement in hard skills.

Michelle lists four important aspects to be taken into consideration for anyone who wants to start building a repertoire.


Understand why the soft skills is important and what the job market expects from people with this skill.


“We have theory and techniques to perform some skills. We know what is expected from good leadership and communication, for example”, says the expert.

Self knowledge

Know what you already have well developed and what still needs improvement. “Self-evaluation, self-reflection and feedbacks, other professionals or teachers and course colleagues”, he says. 


Put yourself in situations where you can perform and perfect these skills. “If I have difficulty speaking in a group, I will put myself in situations where I can practice it”, suggests Michelle.

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