iFood bets on artificial intelligence to transform the relationship with its audiences

The Brazilian technology company starts using Artificial Intelligence to revolutionize the consumer's relationship with the delivery platform with new solutions starting in July. And it's only beginning!

Have you ever imagined ordering a snack using a simple voice command? Or even, put together the Sunday lunch menu, buy all the ingredients in the right quantities and at the best price in a simple and quick way? Or share your entire grocery list quickly and easily? These are the news that iFood, Brazilian company of technology, it will offer its users from now on.

For years, the company has been investing and developing different artificial intelligence models (AI) to generate more efficiency in your operation, with the priority being the improvement of its internal processes.

After all, imagine making 75 million orders per month, in 1,700 cities in Brazil, with 330,000 partners, 200,000 delivery people and more than 40 million users, if it weren't for super-advanced technologies? Not to mention the number of items available on the platform and their different preparations, considering meals.

“Innovation is in iFood’s DNA and, over the last five years, we have reinforced our investments in Artificial intelligence with a focus on bringing solutions that make the daily lives of our customers, delivery drivers and partner restaurants easier. Today, we have 17 machine learning teams and 120 AI models, which operate daily, making approximately 10 billion recommendations per month in our ecosystem. This contributes to all of our services, such as, for example, the best customer recommendation, marketing segmentation, routes, delivery time – including dish preparation time, among other examples, which will have positive impacts on the use of these new technologies” , it says Fabrício Bloisi, CEO of iFood.

“This moment is a milestone for iFood as the next big step in the evolution of how we interact with technology, which impacts the way we work and provides a new wave of consumer experiences, which could inspire several companies to accelerate growth with AI “, declares Fabrício.

For the executive, the opportunities generated by the use of artificial intelligence are many and, over the months, more solutions will be presented to all those who use iFood, within the ai.iFood platform.

To boost purchases in supermarkets and small establishments, iFood now presents, in July, Compr.AI, a functionality that uses Artificial Intelligence to transform shopping lists into texts on WhatsApp, based on messages written by consumers. It also allows you to integrate intelligently and automatically with supermarkets. This is an integration of applications from iFood, WhatsApp and OpenAI models.

“Compr.AI creates an experience that was unthinkable six months ago in the world, allowing you to shop as if it were in a conversation with your assistant. The application covers everything from the initial conversation to receiving orders and sales and management by the establishment. It allows consumers to browse product categories and provides options and prices, making creating and editing shopping lists easier than ever. It even works by sending a photo, generating a shopping list from the image”, emphasizes Fabricio.

Also in July, users will be able to place their orders in markets with simple voice commands such as: “I want a low-calorie breakfast”; “I need to make dinner for those who like peas”; “ingredients for a carrot cake” or “stroganoff for five people”.

Based on the command, iFood creates a list of products needed to place orders, indicating the best markets, including comparing prices between establishments. All this using your voice without any clicking. “You simplify the user’s life and even make shopping fun,” says Fabricio.

The impact that Artificial Intelligence has brought to iFood in the last five years has placed the company in the ranking of the ten most innovative companies in Latin America. Investments on this front in recent years have enabled a completely innovative experience for the ecosystem, which has applied Artificial Intelligence daily to guarantee the best possible solutions for customers, delivery people and restaurants.

Now, the main objective is to make the Brazilian technology company a reference in the use of Artificial Intelligence to enhance entrepreneurs' businesses, gain customer loyalty and guarantee the improvement of delivery drivers' work, in addition to inspiring technological resources to be applied in other models that can revolutionize the future of society.

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