Innovation: how iFood cultivates tomorrow's growth today

In the New Economy, innovation is the engine of growth. Bruno Henriques, VP of Growth at iFood, explains how foodtech discovers tomorrow's new markets today.

In the New Economy, growth is the oxygen of companies. And the best way to ensure that we continue to grow in the future is to innovate today, always be in search of new discoveries and understand what will be relevant tomorrow.

There are two fundamental components for the success of a company in this new scenario. The first – and most obvious – is to organize teams to execute very well what we have already mastered. The problem is that you can't live solely on what you already know and do. At some point, this recipe will reach its limit and will no longer work.

Therefore, the second indispensable component is to separate, in the operation, a team that has the freedom to do things that you cannot imagine, that are not in the plans. Professionals with carte blanche to take risks, make mistakes, lose — and learn from these experiences. This is what we do with our Jet Skis, teams dedicated to discovering what iFood's next bet will be.

For us, the important thing is to test, improve, test again until we discover a new path. In the middle of ten tests, suddenly, an innovation works, can scale and enable a new wave of growth for the business. At iFood, our thinking is to never be satisfied with what we already know. We are always looking for a new ingredient to maintain high growth rates.

In this dynamic, we make more mistakes than we get right. But the projects that work are incredible. Some examples are the using drones to make deliveries in Campinas (SP) and Aracaju (SE), the development of ADA robot (an autonomous and sustainable vehicle to transport food) and the creation of iFood Box, a cabinet for temporary storage of deliveries in commercial and residential buildings.

Some of these solutions are not yet mature, but they are being improved because we know they will be important to fuel our growth in the future. And the wheel keeps turning: we continue in search of what will completely change our market tomorrow.

Eating is a very good moment, of pleasure, of celebration. Innovation will not create a pill that we will swallow instead of having a delicious meal. But it will bring new ways to eat better and more satisfyingly.

iFood can still do a lot for Brazilians’ nutrition. We are just starting to bring technology to this sector – we know we have a fundamental role in this. We were born as a delivery company, but our future will be completely different. We will be even more relevant in the food chain, bringing cheaper, better quality and more efficient food to Brazilians.

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