How AI is used in personalizing diets and nutrition

Yes, artificial intelligence can be used to offer personalized food recommendations — find out how

Did you know that 91% of Brazilians are concerned about their health and well-being? Meanwhile, at a global level, this number is 78%, as pointed out by Global Consumer Sentiment Survey, carried out by WW (Weight Watchers) in partnership with Kantar. 

This is one of the reasons to start thinking about offering healthy eating recommendations through Artificial Intelligence and offering innovations such as personalizing diets and nutrition to meet the needs and consumer demands.

That's what this article is about. Continue reading and learn more about personalization supported by AI tools.

The role of artificial intelligence in personalizing diets and nutrition

Offer personalized dietary recommendations through Artificial intelligence It is a functionality directly linked to the customer or user experience. 

Imagine having a function on iFood, for example, that recommends a meal based on a restrictive diet, or according to the amount of calories that need to be ingested during the day. It can make all the difference for the user.

Functionality like the one we just described can be done using integrations with wearable devices or other health and wellness applications that provide user data. 

Data analysis and automation of this recommendation process represent great opportunities for companies that want to invest in customer experience and your loyalty.

Using advanced algorithms and machine learning (machine learning), Artificial Intelligence analyzes large volumes of data and personalizes recommendations based on each person's needs and goals. 

In this sense, AI can recommend foods with the appropriate amount of calories, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins.

This without forgetting the role of doctors and nutritionists. After all, these technologies can be used as a complement to help people make informed decisions about their diet and nutrition. 

This is because AI has the ability to learn and adapt over time, collecting new data and nutritional information as health conditions change. Monitoring the progress of these users is also taken into consideration and can help healthcare professionals keep track of their patients.

What are the possibilities for using AI for personalized diets?

The possibilities for applying Artificial Intelligence are countless, and new options emerge every day. We list some of these applications in the nutritional sector.

Food tracking

Food tracking apps analyze what was consumed throughout the day. Based on information on food preferences, health goals and nutritional data, these apps can recommend improvements in diet quality.

Monitoring sensors

These are wearable devices that have sensors to monitor physical activity, heart rate and calorie expenditure. Based on the activity level information, it is possible to make food suggestions.

Virtual assistants

Chatbots and virtual assistants can provide healthy recipes based on available ingredients or make personalized suggestions to help users adhere to specific diets.

Genetic data

Genetic profile analysis and nutritional genomics can help identify individual responses to certain foods and nutrients. Through this genetic data, artificial intelligence can recommend eating plans personalized.

Exam interpretation

Data analysis applications are capable of interpreting laboratory tests and recommending foods according to nutrient, vitamin and mineral levels, offering a personalized approach to nutritional supplementation.

Benefits of customizing diets and nutrition for companies

User experience is increasingly appearing at the center of business strategy, especially in the digital environment. A survey showed that 63.3% of companies are already focused on user experience

If you don't want your company to be left behind, it's important to think of this customization of diets and nutrition as a market opportunity and a competitive advantage in your niche.

Customer satisfaction and retention are the first advantages of offering a complete and personalized experience with artificial intelligence. But other benefits can also arise from this application in the form of data analysis, presentation of results and the consequent basis for decision-making based on the metrics obtained with AI.

Companies can gain valuable insights, continually improve their services and develop strategies more targeted marketing. This set brings new possibilities, such as expanding the company's services and creating new sources of revenue and increasing market share.

This can be done, for example, through complementary products such as personalized supplements, pre-packaged meal programs or scheduled healthy food delivery services.


With awareness about the importance of healthy eating that suits your needs, companies that offer personalized diets and nutrition stand out in the market. This differentiation can help companies attract a specific target audience that is willing to pay for these solutions.

The use of AI offers benefits for individuals concerned about their diet and also for companies that want to meet demands for personalized products and services. This possibility represents a significant advance in the area of consumer health and well-being.

Does your company have a technological solution focused on the health and well-being of consumers? Discover iFood Labs and join a network of institutions, companies and investors concerned with healthy eating!

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