Potência Tech offers a thousand scholarships for front-end courses

Program partners with DevMedia to offer initial training in programming

O Tech Power, iFood's education platform, will offer a thousand scholarships for the front-end course of its new partner, DevMedia. Registration to participate is now open and can be done at course website until June 4th.

This partnership seeks to benefit people who would not have access to education in the technology area and train professionals so that they are capable of building websites from scratch and entering the job market.

Therefore, people from underrepresented profiles in technology — women (cis and trans), men (trans), self-declared black people (black and brown), yellow or indigenous people, LGBTQIAP+ and people with disabilities — or with per capita household income of up to R$ 2,000.

What's different about this front-end course?

The difference with this front-end training is gamification. This means fewer classes and more practice and rewards for good performance, which students can exchange for raffle tickets (and compete for prizes) or purchase their avatar and customize their profile.

The Training Platform course aimed at programmers has a workload of 339 hours and comprises 54 contents. Students will receive six months of access to the platform to complete the front-end track.

The selection and announcement of the people selected to win the scholarship will take place on the 5th and 7th of June — and on the 12th of June the inaugural live event will be held, marking the beginning of the class.

What is Potência Tech?

O Tech Power is a platform created by iFood in October 2021 with the aim of bringing more people from underrepresented and low-income groups into the world of technology. 

This program is part of a series of iFood actions to support the company's commitment to training and employing 25 thousand people of underrepresented audiences in the technology area. 

To date, more than 50 thousand people from underrepresented or low-income profiles have signed up to Potência Tech. More than 28,000 scholarships have already been granted, and more than 1,900 people have managed to find their way onto the market with the help of the program.

Scholarship service

Course: Training Platform for Programmers

Technology: Front-end

Vacancies: 1,000

Registration: from 12/5 to 4/6 at course website

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