Technology: discover innovations that will change our lives

From cleaner transport to printed food: what innovation trends are expected to change the world in the coming years

Innovation is humanity's ability to solve a problem in an unprecedented way or to improve something that already works. Restless minds seek to innovate all the time, and that's why something new always appears: whether it's an idea, a technology or a new product. upgrade of something that already existed.

With that in mind, what are the innovations that are already arriving and should change our lives in the future? iFood News lists 9 predictions made by futurologist Bernard Marr, for the magazine Forbes, and by World Economic Forum. Check out!

Robots with visual intelligence

A Artificial Intelligence and the machine learning are already being used to teach machines to think, using the enormous amount of data available in the digital world. The trend now is to teach machines to see. Yes, there are already computers that are capable of seeing and recognizing objects in a video or photo (like those in autonomous robots that deliver food, such as ADA, from iFood).

Codeless AI Programming

Still in the field of Artificial Intelligence, the biggest trend, according to Bernard, is to program using little or no code. Instead, the idea is to build artificial intelligence on a “drag and drop” basis and thus develop applications even without having much programming knowledge.

Zero carbon transport

When we think of a cleaner transport, we often make direct contact with eletric cars. But what about other means of transport, such as sea and rail, which also release CO2 In the atmosphere? Making transport, whether private or public, cleaner is another innovation trend highlighted by the World Economic Forum. As an example of zero carbon alternatives, the organization cites the Coradia iLint, a hydrogen-powered passenger train, and the development of alternative fuels for shipping, such as green ammonia.


This one is already among us. O hype over the metaverse began in 2021, after Facebook changed its brand name to Meta. According to the World Economic Forum, this will be the next evolution of the internet and has the potential to eliminate the boundaries between the physical and digital universe and create business opportunities and new jobs.

Extended reality

He talked about the metaverse, he talked about extended reality. Futurologist Bernard Marr believes that advances in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will pave the way for experiences that the metaverse can provide.


The field of genetics, which studies the genome (set of genes) of an organism, is also on the rise. Its advances can allow the search for a cure or eradication of diseases, the development of new vaccines, the modification of cultivation crops, among other advances in Medicine and Biology.

Digital trust

Bernard Marr believes that the technology used to secure ownership of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and other innovations in the digital recording of data in blockchain will present advances in 2022. According to him, “we will see more companies and individuals enhancing physical objects with technology blockchain It is tokens”. 

Green Cryptocurrencies

A controversial topic in the world of finance, cryptocurrencies have gained prominence, as they Digital currencies have become more accepted, even in Brazil. Now that they are becoming popular with more people, one of the challenges will be to make them more sustainable, since their ecological footprint is very large. In 2020, the energy consumption to “mine” the currency was equivalent to the entire electrical consumption of Argentina.

Agricultural self-fertilization

To reduce dependence on industrial fertilizers (expensive for small producers and not at all sustainable), scientists hope to replicate in corn and cereal plantations what soy and bean crops already do: self-fertilization resulting from the symbiosis between plants and soil bacteria. .

Everything on the 3D printer. Even food!

That's right, printed food. Bernard's bet is that we live in an era in which it will be possible to do a little bit of everything with 3D printers: personalized parts, concrete to build houses, metals and even food. There is even equipment that prints healthy food. Have you ever thought about ordering 3D printed food on iFood soon? I believe, how delicious!

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