Stubborn question: we clarify 9 doubts about the iFood electric motorcycle

Check out the answers to some of the questions we heard about the model

On May 31st, iFood launched the electric motorcycle EVS Work iFood, which will be sold exclusively to delivery partners. Sales will start in the city of São Paulo (SP), and the objective is that ten thousand of these non-polluting vehicles be on the streets by the end of 2022.

The new motorcycle has been arousing curiosity, so iFood News has already brought here a X-ray of the model. For those who still have doubts about this news, we have prepared a quick guide to clarify some questions that have been going around on social media about the electric motorcycle — check it out below!

Does the motorcycle come with an iFood sticker? 

No, the motorcycle is not delivered with stickers, after all it does not belong to iFood, but to the delivery person.

What are the savings compared to the fuel-powered model?

We have studies that show that the cost of maintaining an electric motorcycle is 50% lower than the amount spent on a combustion motorcycle, as there is no change of oils, spark plugs and filters. Also considering fuel economy, the monthly amount spent on the electric motorcycle drops by 70%.

Will iFood profit from the sale of the motorcycle?

No. iFood does not make any financial gains from the sale of motorcycles. The motivation for this initiative is to improve the working conditions of delivery drivers and offer a sustainable way to fulfill the target of having 50% of orders delivered by non-polluting vehicles by 2025.

When will it reach other states?

Sales started in the capital of São Paulo and iFood aims to expand the offer to all cities where it operates, but there are no set deadlines yet. As soon as we have news, we will share it — keep an eye on iFood News!

Is it safe to ride a silent motorcycle in São Paulo traffic?

Yes. The use of electric vehicles is becoming increasingly common in cities and traffic safety needs to be taken into account in this change. iFood encourages traffic safety regardless of the type of vehicle used by delivery people.

Will the bike be for OL or Cloud?

Sales are directed to all active iFood delivery people.

Can the motorcycle catch rain?

Yes, the motorcycle can be used in the rain, without any problems. Several tests were carried out and all necessary adjustments and improvements were made to meet the needs of couriers. 

Can I buy the motorcycle with the batteries already installed?

No. The model developed by Voltz for iFood comes without batteries because it was designed to meet the needs of delivery partners at a much lower cost. Therefore, the quick battery change system will be used, which eliminates the need to buy batteries and recharge them.

What is the real price of the electric motorcycle?

EVS Work iFood, created for delivery partners, is priced at R$ 9,999.90. Voltz, however, sells other models, which can be purchased by professionals according to their needs and objectives.

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