4 tips to better face the climate crisis

Find out what you can do if the effects of climate change are causing anxiety

How do you feel when you hear about climate crisis? Uncertainties regarding the future can cause anxiety and anguish in many people. As social and environmental issues have a major impact on mental health of people, Public Health Watch brought together, in a article published by NPR, some tips from psychiatrists Kerry Wangen and Daniel Hochman and psychological consultancy specialist and environmental scientist Bob Doppelt on how to deal with feelings of impotence and discouragement in the face of climate crises — check them out below.

Do something for your neighborhood

Change starts with the little things. Therefore, look for ways to act sustainably in your neighborhood. After all, making an impact, no matter how small, contributes both to the environment and to reducing the weight of the effects of the climate crisis.

Work together

If you don't know where to start, look for local initiatives that already do some work for the community (or, if you prefer, bring together people you know to propose improvements in the region). In addition to strengthening the potential for change, groups are great sources of support and support in difficult times.

Find other voices

The climate crisis is a problem that affects the entire world, and you are not the only person concerned about it. Therefore, try to find those who also identify with this feeling, whether to reflect on the impacts and what they can do to help or to establish a support network to deal with the uncertainties of this moment.

Keep perspective

Although the climate issue is extremely worrying, it is necessary to remember that, 30 years ago, the world faced equally alarming humanitarian problems: “extreme poverty and hunger, for example, are at very low levels compared to that period. Furthermore, before the pandemic, life expectancy reached the highest level ever seen in humanity”, comments Hochman. It is also important to highlight the greater ease in accessing energy and drinking water. Therefore, “despite climate change, this is the safest period for us to live”, assures the psychiatrist.

Even though they are simple, these recommendations can help you live this moment with more lightness and tranquility. But it's worth remembering: taking care of your mental health is essential, so don't hesitate to seek professional support when you feel it's necessary.

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