Would you like to donate? Discover your cause and find out why iFood is education

On this Donation Day, iFood will double the amount raised on the app. Take the quiz to find out which social action suits you and participate!

Just like in 2021, iFood will participate in the Donating Day. This commemorative date, which takes place on November 29th in 85 countries, was created in 2012 to inspire people to join the donation culture and help the causes that are important to each of us.

On this Donation Day, iFood will double the amount raised to increase the amount that will be allocated to the supported NGOs. And there's something new: anyone who orders on the app will also be able to make micro donations from R$ 0.50 to R$ 0.99 rounding up the amount to be paid, thanks to a partnership with the NGO Round Movement.

Customers can also choose to donate to seven organizations that are already supported by iFood and work to combat hunger, encourage education and environmental protection. 

And you, do you already know what your cause is? For those who haven't been able to decide yet, iFood gives a helping hand. In partnership with BuzzFeed, the company created a quiz that will help you discover which solidarity initiative makes your heart beat faster — it is available here; do the test!

How does iFood support education?

In 2022, the cause that iFood will support on Donation Day is education. After all, one of the company's purposes is Feed the future of the world also with education, an essential means to build a more prosperous and less unequal country and prepare new talents for the future of work (especially in the technology sector).

In 2021, iFood made a public commitment to train and employ 25 thousand people from underrepresented groups in technology, train more than 5 million people for the work of the future and impact 5 million public school students by 2025.

And, to this end, it has directed donations and actions to partner NGOs All for Education —which has relevant work in improving basic education in the country and improving public policies in the area— and Generating Falcons, which has worked with iFood to train local leaders and offer professional qualification courses, in addition to partnership in Horta nas Escolas.

“Education is the bridge that leads people to a better future. Today we have serious problems, such as the 70 million Brazilians who did not finish high school and the lack of technology professionals”, says Luanna Luna, education manager at iFood. “Only education allows people to access new knowledge and improve their lives.” 

Between 2021 and 2022, iFood's actions in education impacted more than 200 thousand Brazilians with training programs, including 11 thousand scholarships for delivery men and women and underrepresented groups in the technology area (such as women and black people) and 140 thousand certificates issued. 

These are some of the results of the company's Impact Report — and you can check other results in education in the document, open to the public and available on complete version It is in summary.

How can I donate on other days?

Anyone who orders on the iFood app can now donate in a very simple way on any day of the year: just make a donation at checkout or on your profile. With these acts of generosity from customers, iFood transferred R$ 982.7 thousand to the seven NGOs it supports and R$ 289.4 thousand to the campaign Child Hope —all of this only in the third quarter of 2022. 

Since 2020, iFood customers have been able to contribute to institutions continuing to carry out their actions, whether in times of natural disasters — such as the rains that hit Bahia, Petrópolis (RJ) and Recife (PE) and Maceió (AL) in recent months — whether to contribute to solutions to the challenges in food insecurity, environment and education.
Today, iFood directs donations received to seven NGOs: Citizenship Action, Gastromotiva, Organic Solidarity, SOS Mata Atlântica, Generating Falcons, Central Única das Favelas (CUFA) It is All for Education.

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