Check out 5 trends in education for 2023

Technology, diversity and socio-emotional skills are on the radar of new learning skills

The pandemic brought new challenges to educators and reinforced needs that were already perceived. Between digital and in-person forms of learning, teachers and students need to be aware of some important paths in current and future training. 

In this sense, the Online School presented five trends in education for 2023:

Learning recomposition

More than 90% of Brazilian students, of all ages, had a delay in learning reading, writing and mathematics due to the pandemic. The data is from a survey by the social impact company Foundation Education.

These losses need to be compensated. One of the ways to achieve this is monitoring learning and pedagogical planning following the pace of each student. The process prioritizes mathematical literacy and literacy, which were harmed during the pandemic.

Courses aimed at teachers in the initial years of elementary School focus on this recomposition of learning.

Learning Assessment

Just applying one or a few test models is not a parameter to assess whether students are really learning. And if they are motivated to advance along a path of training that today is assumed to be continuous, for life. This is called “lifelong learning”, or continuing education.

Therefore, the pedagogical plan needs to include several resources and applications to measure the effectiveness of learning.

One of the crucial points of this assessment is to consider the student's entire educational path, understanding their prior knowledge and the preferred forms of assessment. To achieve this, the student also needs to have an active voice in the teaching process. 


The use of technology currently permeates all fields of activity. The digitalization of the economy intensified with the pandemic and began to employ even more knowledge on topics such as robotics and programming.

In this way, developing computational logic in students becomes a necessity for the training of professionals of the future.

A tech education, then, becomes an important factor in increasing the employability of current students.

Anti-racist education

Diversity and inclusion These are concepts that need to be consolidated. In this context, schools have to worry about developing awareness strategies about problems such as racism to combat this and other prejudices.

In Vitória (ES), the municipal education system has been concerned with deepening this discussion. Teachers share, in a new book, good practices and reflections on how to prepare a school curriculum for more equal and diverse teaching.

One of the fundamental themes of the book is the need to include, in educational institutions, pedagogical content that values Afro-Brazilian culture to strengthen the identification of children with multiple ethnicities.

Thus, literature, dances and elements of other Afro-Brazilian arts became part of many curricular programs in schools in Vitória.

Socio-emotional education

In addition to transmitting technical knowledge, educational institutions must be concerned with form citizens in a more complete way.

This involves the development of socio-emotional skills, such as coexistence with diversity, emotional resilience and openness to new things.

They need to be part of everyday learning constructs. And they require professionals prepared to direct this training.

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