Diversity in companies: find out which measures can guarantee a more diverse environment 

Diversity in companies mirrors Brazilian demographics: plural, diverse, heterogeneous and multifaceted. Beneficial for everyone, diversity is a current and urgent issue in society. 

So, it's already more than proven that diverse and plural teams are more productive, innovative and generate more results. 

Therefore, understand everything about the subject, its benefits, what types it is and how to incorporate it once and for all into the culture of organizations. 

What is diversity in companies?

Firstly, diversity in companies is a set of policies implemented to develop a plural and inclusive work environment for groups traditionally excluded from the corporate world.

Furthermore, these groups are divided in terms of color/race, gender, social status, sexual orientation, religion, physical and mental disability, and culture, such as women, black people, LGBTQIA+, between others . 

Therefore, talking about diversity means welcoming, including, considering and engaging people from the most diverse social, cultural, political and economic contexts in the corporate world.  

Therefore, companies with a culture of diversity and inclusion are, in general, more competitive, innovative and have leaders who are more involved in teamwork. 

Importance of diversity in companies

First of all, this is an important and urgent issue as it reflects the multifaceted society in which we live and ensures plurality of thoughts, decisions and ideas.   

Large companies, such as startups and social organizations, for example, are increasingly aware of the importance of including diversity in their businesses. 

In this sense, diversity and inclusion programs are present in 63% of the Brazilian companies that participated in the study The Diversity and Inclusion of Companies in Brazil, in July 2019. 

Thus, several causes have influenced this, such as social movements, current legislation, position of large companies on diversity and programs to encourage diversity. 

An example of a social movement is the Black Lives Matter (Black Lives Matter), which began in the United States and sparked debate about racial discrimination around the world. 

Furthermore, diversity is a powerful ally for the economic, social and financial development and growth of an organization.  

Companies that had the most diversity in executive teams were more likely to have above-average profitability than companies with less diversity. 

The conclusion, therefore, is from the 2020 study Diversity Wins, from McKinsey & Company, on diversity and inclusion in companies. 

Benefits of diversity in companies

The benefits are countless and reflect on the results and performance of organizations that adopt it.   

Therefore, companies that embrace, support and encourage diversity respect differences, practice tolerance, dialogue, collective constructions and partnership relationships.  

Furthermore, in companies committed to diversity, 63% of employees say they are happier at work compared to 30% of employees in companies without diversity. 

The data is part of the study Diversity Matters: Latin America, from McKinsey & Company, launched in June 2020. 

Finally, discover other benefits: 

  • increased employee satisfaction;
  • greater productivity;  
  • appreciation of the company among public opinion, consumers and the media in general; 
  • growth of the consumer market; 
  • better employee performance;
  • competitive advantage;
  • better talent retention; 
  • happier, more pluralistic and innovative work environment. 

Pillars of diversity in companies

The pillars are broad, since diversity includes people of different color, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation than is the standard in the job market.

The standard, in this case, is heterosexual cisgender white men (a person who identifies with the same gender at birth).  

Furthermore, other groups fit into the concept of diversity, such as older people, those with physical or mental disabilities (PWDs), those released from the prison system, immigrants and those belonging to different religions. 

Racial diversity in companies

Firstly, less than 3% of black women and men reach director and management positions in the country, according to the Continuous National Household Survey 2018, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). 

Therefore, racial diversity in companies is important as it reflects the Brazilian population, which is majority black. According to IBGE data. 54% of Brazilians declare themselves black

One of the most successful projects for the employability of black people is the EmployAfro, Human Resources consultancy focused on ethnic-racial diversity. 

Furthermore, iFood also prioritizes diversity in the company through expressed goals and various initiatives. By 2023, iFood will have 30% of black leaders and 40% of black people on its general staff.

One of the initiatives to achieve this goal is the  iFood Includes Black People, black people recruitment program.

With a focus on technology, the 300 vacancies are for different positions and areas of activity. 

Gender diversity in companies

Gender diversity is an urgent topic for many organizations, which seek to expand their female leadership and vacancies for cis and transgender women and transgender men. 

In this sense, trans women and men are people who identify with the gender opposite to the gender assigned at birth.

Therefore, including cis and transgender women brings notable results to companies. 

Companies with more than 30% employees women are more likely to have better results than those who have between 10-30% of employees. 

The data is part of the Diversity Wins study, from McKinsey & Company

Sexual diversity in companies

This issue is gaining more and more visibility as homosexual and bisexual people have spaces to speak out in society and in the media. 

Companies have also recognized the value of having diverse and plural sexualities among their employees.

For the presidents of the 94 companies that signed the Letter of Adhesion to the Business and LGBTQ Rights ForumI+, the inclusion of sexual diversity is a priority

Finally, according to Taylor Cox, author of Cultural Diversity: Theory, Research and Practice (1994), three objectives are achieved when there is sexual diversity in companies: social responsibility, legal obligations and improved results

Age diversity in companies

Age diversity in companies means opening up opportunities for people with a solid professional career, knowledge and maturity. 

This group includes people over 40, 50 and 60 years old. 

Therefore, the market is full of stories of people who reinvented themselves, started in a new area or decided to start a new professional career. 

Examples of diversity in companies

There are many examples today, from exclusive trainee programs for black professionals to programs for exclusive internship for women.  

Programs like  iFood includes Black People, Black Powers, Mentoring for Black People and Agora é que are Elas – a female career acceleration program – are excellent examples of promoting diversity. 

How to promote diversity in companies?

To promote and strengthen diversity in companies, managers and leaders must take advantage of a series of actions and measures to have a more inclusive work environment. 

Therefore, based on McKinsey & Company research, we selected some measures to promote diversity. Check out: 

  • Use data to define goals for representation of diverse talents;  
  • Align the company's diversity goals with the business strategy; 
  • Promote women, black people, the elderly and other minority groups to executive, management and strategic positions; 
  • Strengthen the responsibility of managers and leaders regarding the company's diversity goals; 
  • Establish inclusive leadership as a priority as an essential competence; 
  • Ensure transparency and fairness in hiring, remuneration and promotions;
  • Promote equality and equity of opportunities; 
  • Combat and punish microaggressions with zero tolerance policies for racial, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other discrimination. 

How to ensure diversity in company selection processes?

Ensuring diversity in selection processes requires not only strategy, but also a culture of acceptance, reception and respect for candidates. 

Based on Gupy, recruitment website, which brings 7 recruitment strategies, we have created some tips to apply in a selection process.

Therefore, see below which attitudes can guarantee diversity in the selection process. 

  • Prepare job advertisements in an inclusive way so that everyone feels able to participate in the selection process and not excluded, using male and female pronouns. 
  •  Try to show the candidate how the company cares about and guarantees the diversity of its employees;
  • Initially, dispense with information about gender, color and sexual orientation, and focus on the candidates’ skills, experience and training;
  • Count on the help of professionals who are in positions traditionally occupied by standard employees. 
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