Did you donate on the iFood app? See how your money reaches NGOs

Resources arrive in seven days for partners to use as they see fit; since 2020, more than R$ 20 million have been donated to 7 partners

Anyone who orders food on iFood can make donations with one click so that partner NGOs continue to work in the fight against hunger, at the reforestation of the Atlantic Forest and access to education. When using the app to make a donation, you help more than one institution with a single amount.

Today, there are seven NGOs that maintain a donation partnership with iFood: Ação da Cidadania, Gastromotiva, Orgânico Solidário, SOS Mata Atlântica, Gerando Falcões, Central Única das Favelas (CUFA) and Todos pela Educação.

Since 2020, iFood customers have been able to contribute to these institutions continuing to carry out their actions, whether in times of natural disasters — such as the rains that hit Bahia, Petrópolis (RJ) and Recife (PE) and Maceió (AL) in recent months — either to try to contribute with solutions to the challenges in food insecurity, environment It is education.

Check out the entire path your money takes to reach iFood's partner NGOs below.

The amounts received are divided between the NGOs

When the donation is made, the amount chosen when completing your order goes to a type of portfolio that concentrates all donations made in a given period. Of this portfolio, each NGO keeps a part; the apportionment is pre-defined and agreed between all parties. “The division is made according to our strategy and everything is agreed with all the NGOs, who know more or less how much they will earn”, says Flavia Rosso, socio-environmental impact manager at iFood.

This predictability of earnings is a positive factor for NGOs. As they are non-profit, these institutions do not have a fixed revenue line in their budgets. The entire financial part depends on donations, which can vary from one month to the next. “With iFood, this money drops every month”, says Flavia.

Money is sent to NGOs within 7 days

All donations collected by iFood are passed on to partner NGOs within seven days — and each one decides how they will use these resources, according to the projects proposed in the collection. iFood does not determine how each institution will use the money donated by its customers.

“It is a free donation, but monitored”, explains Flavia. “NGOs choose where to invest the money received, in the way that makes the most sense for their operations. Then, they send a receipt to ensure that the amount had a positive end.”

Donation campaigns change the apportionment

In donation campaigns — such as those carried out after heavy rains in Petrópolis (RJ), Recife (PE), Maceió (AL) It is Bahia —, the apportionment of values changes. An NGO leads the campaign and, therefore, receives most of the value of donations during that period.

“The majority” and not the total, since the commitment of this partnership is to maintain a constant flow of revenue for all NGOs. “The value fluctuates, but it does not run out. Everyone benefits from the campaign”, says Flavia.

Result: more than R$ 20 million donated

iFood has already transferred R$ 20.3 million in donations to partner NGOs. Of this total, R$ 13.2 million (65%) came directly from its customers, and the rest from foodtech or partners. More than 1 million customers have already donated some amount at least once. In the month of May 2022, R$ 574.5 thousand were raised.

How to donate through the app

There are two ways to use the iFood app to also promote solidarity. In addition to allocating an amount when confirming the order, it is possible to donate a fixed amount to support the cause of each NGO.

To do this, follow the following steps:

  • Open the app
  • Click on “Profile”
  • Scroll down until you find “Donations”
  • In “Ways to donate” choose the NGO that will receive your solidarity.
  • Define the amount to be donated.
    Each NGO suggests a value, but you can choose whether you want to donate more or less.
    • Citizenship Action: R$ 1 = 1 plate of food
    • Gastromotiva: R$ 12 = 1 solidarity meal
    • Organic Solidarity: R$ 50 = 1 organic basket (organic fruits and vegetables)
    • SOS Mata Atlântica: R$ 16 = 1 tree planted and monitored until 5 years of age
    • Gerando Falcões: R$ 300 = 1 annual scholarship for programming and entrepreneurship courses
    • CUFA: R$ 70 = Donation of basic food baskets and blankets for favela residents or warm lunch boxes, clothes and blankets for homeless people
    • All for Education: R$ 50 = 1 action to promote the quality of Brazilian public education
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