Why education 4.0 is fundamental to the future of work 

Find out how this type of teaching is applied in schools and how it prepares young people for the job market

Arising in the wake of the 4th Industrial Revolution, education 4.0 It is a form of teaching focused not only on technology but mainly on students and their development. 

Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to understand not only this concept but also tips on how to implement this type of teaching and how companies are already working with it. 

What is education 4.0?

Education 4.0 is teaching based on the development of autonomy and protagonism of students inside and outside school, in order to be inserted into the 4th Industrial Revolution

To achieve this, schools must use innovative teaching solutions, inclusive and collaborative, such as active methodologies, which are based on projects and experiments.

Education 4.0 is also characterized by the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and new technologies, as artificial intelligence (AI), big data and internet of things (IoT).

When did education 4.0 start?

This story begins in the context of fourth industrial revolution, movement of transformation in production models, promoted by new technologies, in the first decade of the 21st century. 

This revolution was driven by the spread of mobile internet, artificial intelligence and machine learning, augmented reality, blockchain and robotics. 

In this sense, education 4.0 favors access to various means that convey diverse information, facilitating access to multicultural knowledge, without barriers of time and/or space.  

How important is education 4.0 for the educational system?

Education 4.0 is an essential element for the educational system, as it prepares students for new job market contexts within the fourth industrial revolution. 

According to the report Future of Jobs, 2020, from the World Economic Bank, data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and content creation will be the main emerging professions in the coming years

In this context, education 4.0 plays a fundamental role in the constant requirement for the development of new skills and knowledge. 

8 characteristics of education 4.0

Learning and experiencing content in the context of education 4.0 have characteristics that go beyond the use of devices and new technologies. 

On the report Schools of the Future, 2020, from the World Economic Forum, 8 characteristics of a high-quality 4.0 education are highlighted. 

See below what these characteristics of education 4.0 are.

  • Development of global citizenship;
  • Stimulation for innovation and creativity;
  • Development of technological skills;
  • Focus on improving interpersonal skills;
  • Personalized and individualized learning;
  • Accessible and inclusive learning;
  • Collaborative and problem-based learning; 
  • Lifelong and student-based learning. 

Discover the pillars of education 4.0

The pillars of education 4.0 are the systemic model, change in common sense, engineering and knowledge management and cyberculture, according to scholars of the area. 

Systemic model concerns the assessment of the current context and the establishment of strategies for building an effective educational innovation plan. 

Changing common sense deals with the use of theoretical references that approach education from a scientific and technological point of view. 

Engineering and knowledge management work on analyzing the skills and abilities demonstrated by students. 

Cyberculture is about preparing the learning environment to offer a new model of education. 

Benefits of education 4.0 for companies

There are countless benefits of 4.0 education for companies, as it develops important skills for building proactive professionals for industry 4.0.

These skills are achieved through the implementation of new education 4.0 methodologies, with interdisciplinarity, digital interactivity and maker culture.

In addition to these benefits, education presents the possibility of autonomous learning, contextualized and flexible curriculum, hybrid teaching, collaborative environment and computational thinking 

Education 4.0 also covers content that promotes skills to innovate, including complex problem solving, analytical thinking, social, technical and resource management skills. 

Get to know some companies that are already working with education 4.0

The calls edtechs They are companies that work with education 4.0. They create technological solutions for the education area, such as online courses, digital platforms, games, etc.

Edtech is the abbreviation of the English expression educational technology, which means educational technology. 

An example of edtech is Resilia, the School of Facilitation, which develops technology and soft skills. In partnership with iFood, it launched course of technology facilitators. 

Other edtech that works with education 4.0 is Uncomplicated, which offers a virtual learning environment and has helped iFood delivery people to conclude the high school. 

4 tips on how to promote education 4.0

To promote education 4.0, educational institutions must adopt innovative, flexible and updated projects in order to prepare students to be professionals for the future, 

Teaching methodologies that reflect the future of work and make the most of the opportunities offered by new teaching technologies are requirements for promoting education 4.0. 

See below tips on how to promote education 4.0, according to the School of the Future report, from the World Economic Forum. 

  • Personalized and individualized learning: schools can have classrooms with smaller groups of students, offer different ways for students to show their knowledge, whether through music, video and presentations, and create flexible physical and virtual learning spaces, for example;
  • inclusive education and accessible: education systems must become more accessible and inclusive, especially in developing countries; 
  • Problem-based and collaborative learning: students should be encouraged to solve problems for diverse issues and work together to find physical, digital or hybrid solutions;
  • Lifelong and student-driven learning: Changes in the world of work require continuous learning; For this to happen, the value and enjoyment of learning must be stimulated in children from a very early age. That's why, experts argue that student-focused teaching approaches are a way to stimulate and promote a lifelong love of learning.  
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