In 2 years, Potência Tech offers 87 thousand technology scholarships

Discover the iFood platform to train more people from underrepresented groups in the area, such as women and black people

In October 2021, iFood launched the Tech Power, one training platform which offers courses and scholarships to support the training of more professionals in technology.

This initiative is aligned with one of iFood's main commitments in education: train and employ 25 thousand people groups that are currently underrepresented in this area, such as women, black people, indigenous people, LGBTQIAP+ people or people with disabilities. 

In these two years, more than 75 thousand Brazilians registered on the platform, of which 90% were part of these underrepresented groups and 80% fit the low-income profile. More than 87 thousand scholarships were awarded and 4,318 have already received their training certificates (and many are still studying).

“Potência Tech has grown, and grown seeking to meet its main objective, which is to support people to gain a place in the technology market”, comments Roberta Piozzi, education manager at iFood.  

“We always seek to be aligned with market demands, providing scholarships from the best schools and focusing on scale to reach more and more people who actually need and want to study.”

A new career for delivery people

In 2023, Potência Tech also formed its first class composed exclusively of delivery people and delivery women who are on the iFood platform. In these two years, 198 delivery drivers graduated from courses on the platform, of which 34 found a job in the area.

“The impact of the program is on the income delta: a person who wins a position as a developer will have an average starting salary of R$ 3,000. We see cases where this means an increase of 200% in family income”, adds Roberta.

In addition to scholarships, Potência Tech offers technology knowledge trails, with introductory courses for people to learn about the opportunities that the technology market offers.

Since 2022, Potência Tech has been part of the Tech Movement, a coalition of more than 20 companies to invest R$ 100 million in education by 2025 and spark young people's interest in a career in technology.

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