Interview: Diego Barreto and Fabricio Bloisi detail changes in iFood leadership

Check out the interview we did with Fabricio Bloisi, nominated to take over as CEO of Prosus, and with Diego Barreto, the new president of iFood

Fabricio Bloisi (left) leaves the Presidency of iFood, Diego Barreto (right) takes over the position

Today we announce news here at iFood. Want to know more? Read the interview we did with Fabricio Bloisi, nominated to take over as CEO of Prosus, a company that is iFood's main investor and partner, as of July 1st, and with Diego Barreto, the new president of iFood as of today, May 17, 2024

iFood News: Fabrício, can you tell us about this change?

FB: You already know a little about my story, when I left Salvador and came to study in Campinas, at Unicamp and, shortly after, I created a company with just two people. At first, it was difficult, we made a lot of mistakes, but then we started to get it right and created a really cool company, which is iFood. And, it was because of all this work we have been doing in recent years, looking a lot at innovation, technology, culture, management model, that I ended up being invited to assume the presidency of Prosus, one of the world's leading technology companies, which operates in around 60 countries and has more than 100 companies under its umbrella. It is very incredible to have a Brazilian at the head of a company like Prosus. This is a result of how iFood's work has become a reference around the world.

iFood News: That's impressive! And what is your position on iFood?

FB: I still continue to look at iFood, as Chairman of the Board, a position I have held since 2015. What changes is that I will be less present in the day-to-day operations of the company, but I will still remain very involved with the company, of which I am also a shareholder. 

iFood News: And what does this mean for iFood?

FB: This nomination is a great recognition for me and also for Brazil, after all, today we have few Brazilians holding the position of president in large companies around the world. In this new position, we will be able to take our models of culture, technology and innovation to the world and continue focusing on the growth of iFood in Brazil.

iFood News: And who will assume the presidency of iFood now?

FB: The new president of iFood will be Diego Barreto, who until then held the position of vice-president of Finance and Strategy here at iFood. In addition to extensive market experience, Diego has very strong iFood culture and values, which makes him very prepared for this new stage for him and for iFood. 

iFood News: Diego, how do you feel about assuming the presidency of iFood?

DB: It's a huge happiness. I have been with the Movile Group for eight years, two of which in Sympla and six on iFood, and I had incredible experiences that prepared me for this moment. I actively participated in the implementation of the iFood management model and in strengthening the company's culture. Not to mention the pandemic period, which was of great highlight to us, the start of the logistics operation and more recently what we call iFood in addition to food delivery, with market, pharmacy, pet, benefits and fintech operations. I am committed to continuing the exponential growth strategy and innovation from iFood.

iFood News: It looks like the future is promising. How are the delivery people?

DB: We will continue with our commitment to continue what has already been done for a few years by iFood, in particular, in the investment in appreciation of delivery people and in education, with programs My High School Diploma It is iFood Takes Off. We will maintain the dialogue we already have with delivery drivers today, always with the aim of increasingly improving our way of working together.

iFood News: This continuity with delivery people is very important. And in relation to iFood partners, what can we expect?

DB: We will continue to actively listen to the restaurant community through constant dialogue and exchanges and, mainly, through the Restaurant Forum, where we have periodic meetings to understand the needs of our partners and how we can continue to improve the tools and the platform to provide greater autonomy and sales power to partners. Furthermore, iFood is expanding its tools and services beyond restaurants, covering supermarkets, pharmacies, pet stores and other partners in the delivery ecosystem. 

iFood News: Any final message?

DB: The message I want to leave here for everyone is that this is a moment of continuity for iFood. We will continue to focus on our ecosystem of customers, partners and couriers, following our purpose of fueling the future of the world through education and continuing to grow even further. We're just getting started!

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