iFood rewards the winning students of the Tech Marathon

More than 914 thousand young people from across the country participated in this school competition sponsored by iFood.

Last Friday (November 17th) awards were held in Salvador for the students who had the best performance in the Tech Marathon, a school competition that wants to awaken more young people’s interest in the technology area.

In 2023, more than 300 students from across the country —of which 30 attended the event in person at Senai Cimatec— were awarded.

Tech Marathon in numbers

This is the second edition of Marathon Tech, held in partnership with Cactus Association and the Tech Movement. In 2022, 84 thousand students participated; this year, there were 914 thousand, coming from 2,700 cities across the country.

“We are extremely proud of the success of Marathon Tech and the impact it had on students across Brazil. This event is not just a competition, but a journey towards awakening, knowledge and new futures. The future is now, and technology is creating new opportunities every day, we need to include our students now”, comments Gustavo Vitti, vice president of People and Sustainability at iFood, who was present at the event.

Understand more about importance of technology in education.

Check out the photos of the event

The competition involves two phases. In the first, students use technology to solve problems in their communities. Those who move on to the second phase receive content and quizzes via chatbot, via WhatsApp. There are eight learning cycles focusing on logic and computational thinking.

Why does iFood invest in Marathon Tech?

Being a Brazilian company, iFood wants to strengthen the national technology ecosystem by not only sharing its knowledge in the area, but also encouraging more people to follow career in tech.

By supporting Marathon Tech, iFood gets closer to fulfilling its commitments in the area of education until 2025. Are they:

  • Encourage basic education to impact 5 million people;
  • Train and employ 25 thousand people from underrepresented and low-income groups in technology;
  • Empowering more than 5 million people for the work of the future and entrepreneurship.
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