Movile now holds 100% of iFood in a transaction worth up to R$ 9.4 billion

From now on, iFood has just one shareholder, the Brazilian company Movile, which has invested in the company since 2013, today one of the most important in Latin America.

Movile, a Brazilian investor founded by Bahian Fabricio Bloisi, acquired 33.3% of shares belonging to Just Eat Holding Limited and reached 100% of participation in iFood. The deal, financed by Movile and its shareholders, provides for the payment of R$9.4 billion, with R$7.8 billion for Just Eat's stake in iFood and a potential additional R$1.6 billion.

With the purpose of Feeding the Future of the World, iFood intends to advance the digitalization agenda of the food chain, connecting more and more consumers, delivery people and restaurants. “In an increasingly competitive environment, Movile's investment reinforces that we are on the right path and that we are making a difference as a Brazilian technology company that is a reference in online delivery globally and has an impact on the ecosystem”, says Fabricio. 

Since its creation, iFood has contributed to changing the relationship between consumers, restaurants and delivery people, offering convenience, new services, variety and income opportunities. Upon receiving the first investment from Movile in 2013, iFood invested heavily in technology, in order to create an ecosystem that today involves around 330 thousand partner establishments (including restaurants and markets), 200 thousand delivery people, more than 40 million consumers, in a total of 70 million orders per month spread across 1,700 Brazilian municipalities, a scale that places iFood among the largest in the world in the sector.

In addition to food delivery, iFood invests in market delivery and fintech, with iFood Benefícios. “We want to continue to offer the best offer for our consumers, the best experience for our delivery people and the best service for our partners. And we believe that this is only possible through strong investments in technology and listening to the wishes of all our audiences”, says Fabricio.

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