What do all the letters in the acronym LGBTQIAP+ mean?

Do you know which communities each letter represents? We explain them all here

The acronym LGBTQIAP+ represents people who in some way do not identify with heterosexuality or with the concept that there are only two genders (male and female), explains historian and professor Chelsea Del Rio to The Skimm.

In the 1970s, when the largest movements for the rights of homosexual and transgender people began in the United States, activists often used the word gay to define homosexual men and women. In the 1980s, events and organizations began to use gays and lesbians, according to the professor.

In the late 1980s, the letters B (for bisexuals) and T (for transgender people) began to appear. Thus, throughout the 1990s, these organizations began to use the acronym LGBT. In Brazil it was also common to say GLS (gays, lesbians and supporters) and, among activists, GLBT, already contemplating the new letters. 

A little later, the L came to the beginning of the acronym, to recognize the struggle of lesbian and feminist women. Around here, LGBT will become popular after 2008, when officially adopted for the first time at the 1st National GLBT Conference, explains to UOL Fábio Mariano Borges, PhD in sociology from PUC-SP and Diversity Inclusion consultant.

At the same time, new denominations begin to emerge to include more communities, until we reach LGBTQIAP+. “The acronym reflects greater recognition of gender and diversity sexuality — and a better awareness of this diversity”, comments Chelsea.

Therefore, understand the acronym:

What each letter of LGBTQIAP+ means

Lesbian: women who are romantically or sexually attracted to other women. 

Gay: men who feel romantic or sexual attraction to other men (can also be used to talk about all homosexual people, regardless of gender).

Bisexual: a person who feels romantic or sexual attraction to more than one gender. 

Transgender, Transvestite and Transsexuals: people whose gender expression or identity is different from the biological sex they were assigned at birth. 

Queer: term indicating anyone who is not heterosexual or whose sexuality or gender identity changes over time. Additionally, it can mean “questioning,” meaning someone who is exploring their sexuality or gender.

Intersex: a person who was born with sexual characteristics (such as genitals or chromosomes) that do not fit into the binary male or female categories. 

Asexual: who feels little or no sexual attraction to other people.

Pansexual: people who are attracted to all genders; There are those who do not put the letter P in the acronym because they understand that this classification is already covered by the “B” for bisexuals.

+: the plus sign is here to indicate that the community includes more expressions of gender and sexuality, such as aromanticism (not having the desire to have a romance) and polyamory (cultivating several romantic relationships at the same time).

Without the plus sign, the acronym goes a long way: there are versions with up to 52 letters. “It carries all possible manifestations of sexuality and gives importance to the inclusion of the different letters and individuals they represent”, comments Fábio on UOL.  

“Motherhood for lesbians, paternity for gays, access to clinical treatment and social names for transsexuals. The acronym is essential to remember that, although they are all from the LGBTQIA+ universe, each of these people suffers prejudice and has specific demands.”

Discover the new LGBTQIAP+ flag

The LGBTQIAP+ flag was updated with the aim of further demonstrating diversity and inclusion. Thus, the change will reflect the different orientations within the community.

Therefore, in addition to the traditional rainbow colors, light pink, light blue, purple, black, brown and white were incorporated.

In addition to the colors, the shape of the flag has also changed. The new colors are listed forming an arrow to the right, representing the progress of the LGBTQIAP+ cause.

The purple circle on the yellow background will symbolize intersex pride.

The change is a very important fact within the LGBTQIAP+ community, especially to recognize and celebrate all diversity. Furthermore, another important goal is to be even more inclusive and promote an environment of equality and acceptance. 

Check out the meaning of LGBTQIAP+ colors

Currently, the LGBTQIAP+ flag is represented by 13 colors. See the meaning of each of them: 

  • Yellow and purple: pride of intersex people
  • White, pink and blue: trans community
  • Brown and black: anti-racist fight
  • Yellow: Sun light
  • Green: representation of nature
  • Turquoise: art and magic
  • Violet: the entire human spirit
  • Red: life
  • Orange: cure

Understand how iFood contributes to the LGBTQIAP+ community

By using the iFood app, you directly support the inclusion of the LGBTQIAP+ community. 

Our app offers filter features to find LGBTQIAP+-friendly establishments, allowing the community to find welcoming and safe places to place their orders. 

This way, you can feel part of a community that values and respects different identities and orientations. 

Furthermore, the company forms partnerships with establishments in the LGBTQIAP+ community, boosting their business and promoting the visibility of these places. 

Finally, iFood sponsors events and campaigns that celebrate diversity and promote equal rights.

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