All together against hunger and waste

Discover Todos à mesa, an initiative that, in its first week, has already distributed more than 72 tons of food to people in socially vulnerable situations.

The Todos à Mesa Movement connects private initiatives and social organizations to redistribute surplus food and combat food insecurity

The donation of food by the private sector is still a source of fear in Brazil. Many people still don't know that the law has changed to facilitate this action. Little known, but in force since mid-2020, Law 14,016 authorizes establishments that produce and sell food to donate it, as long as it is within its expiration date and in ideal conditions of conservation and suitable for consumption.

Following this premise, initiatives such as Everyone at the Table, of which the iFood participate, create an environment of safety and inspiration and invite more companies to be part of this network to combat hunger and waste.

“Our objective is to educate, raise awareness in society and generate information, in addition to linking both ends [companies and people experiencing food insecurity] and encourage donations”, explains Láislla de Gouveia, coordinator of socio-environmental projects at iFood.

According to her, the project creates spaces for exchange and working groups with great potential for discussion about good practices, which expand the subject and reach more and more organizations. Láislla explains that, for iFood, the intention is not to lead the action, but rather to empower and connect more and more actors so that the transformation can happen.

“In this sense, iFood arrived to enhance initiatives that already exist. When we started designing this second phase of Todos à Mesa, we wanted to use this distribution intelligence that we already have and offer it to project partners”, says Alcione Silva, founder and CEO of Connecting Food, a startup that connects healthy foods with no commercial value. to social organizations and integrates the movement, which has already generated significant results. In just one week of work, more than 68.5 tons of surplus food have already been redistributed.

The idea is for more and more companies to take part in the initiative. Both Láislla and Alcione comment on the importance of putting the subject up for discussion on a daily basis, sharing reliable information and demystifying food donations by the private sector.

“Ordinary consumers can also collaborate by asking establishments about the destination of the food left over at the end of the day”, says Alcione. “The more people start asking, the more the message will reach decision makers. Talk to people, bring the topic to the lunch table. If we all make these provocations, we will be able to change the status quo”, he concluded.

To find out more and/or participate in the movement, send an email to

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