Letter from the President

At the beginning of the pandemic, I wrote to you about the commitment of iFood to adopt the necessary measures to support you, employees, restaurants and delivery people throughout this journey.

Since then, our biggest priority has been taking care of people. With empathy and care, our initiatives are positively impacting many people. Therefore, I want to tell you what we did and the results achieved so far with all this work.

For delivery people

  • We target R$ 25 million in protective measures for delivery people: we support anyone who has symptoms of the disease or is part of a risk group.
  • We distributed more than 100 thousand protection kits with alcohol gel and masks.
  • We doubled the amount of tips in April and June – this month we hope to reach R$ 2.5 million of tips, passing on a total of R$ 5 million.
  • We get discounts of up to 80% via AVUS network for medical and dental appointments, exams and medications.
  • We extended the iFood Delivery de Vantagens benefits program to the entire country.

For partner restaurants

  • We allocate a total of R$ 100 million to assist restaurants throughout Brazil, reducing commission rates.
  • In partnership with Rede, from Itaú, we gave establishments the option of bringing forward the transfer to 7 days, instead of 30, to maintain cash flow. So far we have injected R$ 1.2 billion of receivables on the market and the expectation is that this value will reach R$ 3 billion.
  • We have zeroed the fee for orders made through 'Pra Retirar' (in which you order through the app and collect it at the restaurant).
  • Together with Conquer, we created a free course for any and all restaurants that want to learn more about management.

For the vulnerable population

  • Via the app, more than 400 tons of food, aimed at the initiatives of NGO Citizenship Action.
  • We Create the Movement Everyone at the Table, with support from Coca-Cola Brasil, Copagaz, Hellmann's and Mastercard. With this, we operate on three fronts: donating basic food baskets, donating ready-made meals and encouraging consumption in local establishments.
  • Part of the donations in the app will go towards Winning Together, a project led by Brazilian athletes in partnership with REMS and support from UNESCO.

For our customers

  • We quickly developed Contactless Delivery to ensure less physical interaction during delivery. Using the chat, just arrange with the delivery person or the restaurant where you will leave your order.

For our collaborators

  • Employees in our offices have been working from home since March 16th. In addition to structure and tools, we created a Guide with tips for iFood Remote Work.
  • We offer: psychological support program and online classes on physical exercise, well-being and self-knowledge.
  • We are signatories to the Don't Fire initiative, committing to not lay off people due to the Covid-19 crisis, and we continue hiring.

Amid the developments of Covid-19, we adapt daily to help our entire ecosystem.

I reinforce our commitment to acting responsibly and safely and to continue seeking ways to alleviate the difficulties of the period. I am sure that together, we will be able to get through this difficult phase.

This is #OurDelivery.

Count on us and stay safe!

A hug

Fabricio Bloisi,

President of iFood

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