iFood brings together delivery drivers and creates a forum to discuss the category’s demands

Responding to demands from delivery drivers, iFood committed to adopting a series of procedures to provide more transparency and security for professionals and even evaluating the possibility of adopting an annual adjustment for deliveries.

Responding to demands from delivery people, the iFood committed to adopting a series of procedures to provide more transparency and security for professionals and even evaluating the possibility of adopting an annual adjustment for deliveries.
The commitments were designed after a three-day meeting between the company's management and a group of delivery drivers from 14 cities in the country at a hotel in Itu, in the interior of São Paulo. The meeting, which the company called the 1st Delivery Drivers Forum in Brazil, should become annual and also have regional editions.
In a demonstration that the agenda has a high priority in the company, the CEO of iFood, Fabrício Bloisi, opened the event, which was then led by a group of directors whose mission was to present an agenda of short and medium term commitments.

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