Restaurants near me: how to find an iFood Super 

Discover some ways to find the food you want on the iFood app

When hunger joins the laziness of going to the kitchen, curiosity soon arises: “what will be the best of the day in the restaurants near me”? For those who have the iFood app, this is easy to answer.

To begin with, finding restaurants on the iFood app is very simple. When opening the app, just scroll the screen to check the “Famous People on iFood” and check, in Stores, which ones are near you.

On the home screen, you can also click on Restaurants, in the top left corner, to check the promotions and choose the category that best suits your appetite. And select a restaurant based on criteria such as which ones have free delivery, which ones accept meal vouchers and which ones are closest.

How do I find the best restaurants near me?

On iFood, the restaurants that deliver the best experience for consumers gain the Super seal —it's that little star that appears next to the name of a restaurant.

The Super program shows which establishments receive a high average rating from consumers and which do well in other parameters (such as a low level of open calls and cancellations).

Finding these Super restaurants is simple. You can do this in two ways. On the home screen, after clicking on Restaurants, simply drag the first line (where the filter options are) to the left and find the “Super Restaurants” option.

Another option, still on the home screen, is to scroll the screen until the stores appear. The ones that have a little red ball with a white star inside are the Super ones.

What other ways can I locate a restaurant?

You can also search for a restaurant based on what you feel like eating. If you already have an idea of the type of food (“Japanese”, for example), just click on Search, in the bottom left corner of the screen, and find the category you want.

When you open the next screen, the restaurants that are nearby will appear. And those who are Super will appear with the little star next to them.

If what you are looking for is something very specific, use more than one keyword when clicking on Search — such as “vegan brunch”, “seafood haute cuisine” or “zero sugar cakes”. 

How to see restaurant reviews?

To see a restaurant's rating and check customer opinions, click on the star with a number that appears below the name of the establishment.

The “Evaluation” window will appear, where you can see the average number of stars, the number of reviews, customer opinions and the establishment’s responses.  

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