New laws prohibit delivery people from going up to the apartment

In Fortaleza and Paraíba, the rule is now to leave delivery at the entrance; Manaus approves similar bill

When the delivery man or woman arrives at the door of a building, do they need to go up to the customer's apartment to complete the delivery?

At iFood, the recommendation is that the delivery man's obligation is deliver to the first point of contact that exists in the person's residence. In the case of a condominium, this point is the entrance.

Going down to pick up the order not only speeds up delivery but also shows respect for the work of the delivery man or woman, who can only make the next delivery after completing that one.

To further clarify this issue, some cities and states created specific laws in 2023 to define whether or not delivery men and women should go up to the apartment — check out the main cases.

In Fortaleza, delivery goes to the entrance

In Fortaleza, capital of Ceará, the Law 11,381, which prohibits consumers from demanding that app delivery people enter condominiums to leave packages. 

“The consumer is prohibited from demanding that the app worker enter the common spaces of vertical and horizontal condominiums, and the order must be delivered to the entrance.”

Law 11,381 – Fortaleza

The law applies to both vertical condominiums and houses, and provides for an exception: anyone with reduced mobility or any special needs can request that delivery be made to the internal area of the condominium (as long as the building's internal safety rules are followed).

Paraíba approves law that applies throughout the state

In December 2023, a similar law came into force in the state of Paraíba. A Law 12,939 defines that consumers cannot demand that app delivery people enter condominiums to leave packages, which must be delivered to the building's entrance.

“The consumer is prohibited from demanding that the app delivery person go up to the door of the apartment, to enter the common spaces of vertical condominiums, and the order, if paid, must be delivered to the condominium entrance.”

Law 12,939 – Paraíba

In Paraíba there is also an exception: anyone with reduced mobility or disabilities can ask to receive the order inside the condominium — and the delivery man or woman can choose to go up to the apartment or not.

If the delivery man or woman does not want to go up, it will be up to an employee of the condominium to take the purchase to the customer.

Manaus proposes registration of those who cannot get off

In the capital of Amazonas, on December 27, 2023, the law 555, which regulates the home delivery service for orders placed via apps or telephone. 

The new law comes into force within 30 days and establishes that, in condominium buildings, deliveries take place at the entrance, as per the laws of Paraíba and Fortaleza.

“The consumer is prohibited from demanding that the application worker enter the common spaces of vertical and horizontal condominiums, and the order must be delivered to the entrance, subject to the condominium’s internal security rules.”

Law 555 – Manaus

The law also states that people with reduced mobility or special needs may request delivery to the internal areas of the condominium, without charging any additional amount, subject to the
internal security rules of the building.

More tips on being kind to delivery people

Don't leave the delivery man or woman waiting

By tracking delivery through the app's map, you can see when the order is arriving and prepare to receive it without delaying the professional.

Don't forget to enter your delivery code

As a safety measure for everyone, iFood delivery people always ask for the delivery code, so you must enter this number when receiving the order. If you have a problem with the confirmation code and delivery, you can request help in the app and iFood will ask for your report to understand what happened.

Say good morning, good afternoon and good night

Being kind makes all the difference and will certainly brighten the day of whoever is bringing your food or purchases.

Give a thumbs up for good work

If you liked the delivery person's work, leave your review on the iFood app and leave a thumbs up on the app!

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