iFood reinforces initiatives to preserve delivery drivers in traffic

Company creates Road Safety area and promotes awareness actions during Yellow May

São Paulo, May 2024 – iFood, Brazilian technology company, announces the creation of the Visão Zero area, reinforcing its activities around road safety. Among the objectives of the company's new division are to reinforce initiatives to prevent accidents involving delivery people, test levers that help change traffic behavior for those on the delivery route, encourage the company's rapprochement with public authorities to collaborate on road solutions and create actions aimed at raising awareness among society as a whole about the importance of traffic education.

“iFood began operating with delivery drivers in 2018 and, with that, became part of the road ecosystem. We understand that reducing traffic accidents needs to involve several agents and we want to be part of this solution, which needs to be joint. As a company that has delivery as one of its main focuses, a relevant part of our work is to encourage safe driving for delivery people, who are fundamental people in our ecosystem. Our main mission is to eliminate deaths and serious injuries to delivery people in traffic. Therefore, we are currently testing behavioral change levers, focused on reducing speed, with real-time data during delivery routes”, comments Rafael Tartaroti, Road Safety Manager at iFood.  

Among the actions aimed at the safety of delivery people, the company provided nine training courses, short and free, on the iFood Takes Off, a learning platform created by the company for delivery professionals. Adding up the nine courses on safe driving, motorcycle and bike maintenance and first aid, more than 100,000 certificates have already been issued. In March, the 'Delivery Safety' course became mandatory for delivery drivers new to the app. 

Those who work through the iFood Pedal, the company's bike sharing program, participate in the Pedal Responsa training, with content focused on safety for those who use this type of mode. More than 28 thousand cyclist delivery drivers graduated from the course.

In addition, all delivery drivers registered on the platform have access to Personal Accident Insurance with seven different coverages, which includes medical and hospital expenses in an accredited network, coverage for temporary injuries and family assistance. All delivery drivers also have access to free legal and psychological assistance in cases of aggression and discrimination.

Yellow May and traffic safety awareness

To mark the beginning of activities in the new area, iFood will have several actions during the Yellow May, awareness movement to reduce traffic accidents. Among them, an in-person event will be promoted in partnership with Yamaha, in São Paulo, to increase the level of awareness about safe driving and training of 80 delivery drivers. Participants will be able to experience real traffic situations in a simulator created by Younder, go through a circuit on their own motorcycles, with the guidance of Yamaha instructors, in addition to receiving information on topics such as posture, blind spots, braking and speed. 

The simulator will also be taken to Campinas, in the interior of São Paulo, for in-person training with 62 iFood delivery partners during a two-day event held in partnership with the Campinas Municipal Development Company (EMDEC).

iFood also participated in the 4O Mobility seminar of the National Road Safety Observatory, held by the entity in Foz do Iguaçu, on May 6th and 7th, bringing together experts, authorities, organizations and the general public, to discuss and promote awareness about road safety and urban mobility sustainable. A company became maintainer of the Observatory in 2023, starting to financially support the cause of safe mobility, in addition to offering its experience with technology and data to guide the entity's actions.

Go Good Campaign

The brand also reinforces its traffic awareness initiatives with the Vai na Boa campaign, with a series of communication actions aimed at both delivery drivers and society in general, highlighting that safe traffic is a shared responsibility, and that individual actions have the power to significantly impact everyone’s lives. The campaign will have a strong digital presence, with actions planned for platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Spotify, in addition to the engagement of content creators and influencer delivery people.

About iFood

iFood is a Brazilian technology company that is a reference in online delivery in Latin America, which brings customers, restaurants and delivery people together in a simple and practical way. iFood aims to feed the future of Brazil and the world, transforming society through education and technology, food security, inclusion and with a positive socio-environmental impact.

With more than 70 million monthly orders, iFood works with business intelligence and management solutions to promote and develop an ecosystem of more than 300,000 registered establishments, 200,000 connected delivery people in more than 1,700 cities across Brazil. Having been in the market for 11 years, the company goes beyond food delivery and is also growing in Market, Fintech and Benefits businesses, combining technology and convenience in delivering solutions to partners. iFood has an important Brazilian investor, Movile – global leader in mobile marketplaces. 


press@ifood.com.br / ifood@brodeur.com.br 

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