Yellow May promotes traffic safety awareness 

Find out why the Yellow May movement exists, what its objectives are and how iFood supports this campaign

Raising awareness and educating for safe traffic is the mission of Yellow May, a worldwide movement to alert people to the high rate of traffic accidents. 

Find out more about the Yellow Maio movement, its emergence, objective and importance, and why iFood supports this campaign. 

What is Yellow May?

This is an international awareness movement for accident reduction and prevention traffic around the world. 

The National Plan to Reduce Traffic Deaths and Injuries (Pnatrans) defines a traffic accident or accident as “any event that results in damage to the vehicle or its cargo, and/or in injuries to people and/or animals”. 

Yellow Maio highlights that safe traffic is everyone's right in any situation, and sectors and segments of society must mobilize in favor of traffic Safety.

When did Yellow May appear?

The movement emerged in May 2014 as the biggest social action for the cause of road safety, an initiative of National Road Safety Observatory. 

Us last four years of the Movement, 27 countries joined, support from 1425 companies —including iFood— and 423 cities. 

The month of May is the global reference period for taking stock of actions carried out around the world. In this way, May became a reference for the movement.

This happens because the United Nations (UN) decreed the Decade of Action for Road Safety on May 11, 2011. 

What is the objective of Yellow May?

The goal of this campaign is to save lives and serve as a warning and raise awareness among society about the high rate of deaths and injuries in traffic around the world every year.  

Worldwide, 3,500 people die every day from traffic accidents, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). 

The movement involves government bodies, companies, civil society, professional associations, academia and associations in campaigns to prevent traffic accidents. 

Understand the importance of Yellow May 

The Yellow May Movement is extremely important as it effectively contributes to the reduction of accidents, injuries and deaths in traffic. 

Campaigns from several companies that join the Yellow Movement reach millions of people, contributing to the dissemination of awareness information and education

In Brazil, it is estimated that 45 thousand people die every year in traffic accidents, according to the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea). This number totals more than R$ 50 billion in losses. 

The World Health Organization considers the high number of deaths from traffic accidents worldwide to be an epidemic. Hence the importance of this campaign. 

How does the movement help improve road safety?

May Yellow helps improve traffic safety through the development, coordination and distribution of content related to traffic safety. 

Lectures, workshops, meetings, educational actions and blitzes, seminars, forums are Yellow May actions that help improve traffic safety.

Yellow May campaigns contribute to tackling traffic issues, drawing society's attention to the high number of deaths and injuries.  

How does iFood support Yellow May?

iFood supports the Yellow Maio movement and promotes educational actions and campaigns to provide more information to delivery men and women on how to be safe on the road.

In 2022, the company ran a campaign of education to raise awareness about traffic behavior and covered topics such as kindness in traffic, vehicle care and risk situations. 

Its objective was to raise awareness among delivery men and women about the importance of traffic safety. In face-to-face events in partnership with the city councils of Recife (PE), Curitiba (PR), São Paulo (SP) and Brasília (DF), the company provided information about traffic behavior through activities with delivery drivers. 

Delivery men and women too received on their cell phone (via WhatsApp or in the app) links to five videos with information on topics related to traffic behavior.

10 practices for safer traffic

To have safer traffic, actions, attitudes and practices are necessary that involve those who are in traffic: pedestrians and drivers. 

Humanized and less dangerous traffic is everyone's responsibility. We selected 10 practices that can contribute to safer traffic:

  1. Defensive driving: This is when drivers behave peacefully and are prepared and attentive to avoid the risk of accidents, based on five techniques: knowledge, attention, prediction, skill and action. 
  2. Horn with caution and only when necessary: Even though it is a mandatory item, the horn must not be used for any reason and randomly. 
  3. If you drink do not drive: It is never too much to emphasize that if you drink any amount of alcoholic beverages, you should not drive under any circumstances. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a very serious offense, with a fine and suspension of the right to drive for 1 year. 
  4. Respect signage: It is one of the main rules of good coexistence in traffic. The Brazilian Traffic Code has a set of signs to increase the safety of drivers and pedestrians. 
  5. Keep the vehicle in good condition: whatever the vehicle used —car, motorcycle, bicycle, truck—, it must undergo periodic and complete inspections. 
  6. Have physical and mental conditions to drive vehicles: Fatigue, sleepiness, tiredness, fear and insecurities can impair driving and cause accidents. 
  7. Respect pedestrian crossings: Both drivers and pedestrians must pay attention to the crosswalk when crossing streets and avenues. 
  8. Always wear a belt and safety equipment: Using a seat belt in the front seat can reduce by 45% the chances of serious injury, and backseat use makes 75% passengers safer than without a belt. 
  9. Pay attention to speed: Driving at the maximum speed allowed on the road avoids penalties, reduces the risk of accidents and loss of control of the vehicle. 
  10. Do not use cell phones: The practice applies to both drivers and pedestrians. Using a cell phone while driving and traveling on roads can cause unnecessary accidents.
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