Advantage Delivery offers shared bikes on iFood Pedal

Bicycle rental program is a non-polluting modal option for delivery people

One of iFood goals in relation to the environment is to reach 2025 making 50% of deliveries through non-polluting modes. To achieve this objective, the company created, in 2020, the iFood Pedal, the world's first bicycle rental service exclusively for delivery people.

In 2023, iFood Pedal became part of the Delivery of Advantages, a program that now brings together services and discounts for delivery partners in a single environment: the app for these professionals.

Present in six cities (Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Salvador, São Paulo and Porto Alegre), iFood Pedal makes it possible for iFood partner delivery drivers to bike rental Ou electric bikes for amounts ranging from R$ 7.90 to R$ 32 per week.

Delivery man talks about iFood Pedal

Edinaldo Leandro Barbosa, an iFood delivery man for four years, works in Sorocaba (SP) and draws attention to an issue that he considers important in bicycle delivery: agility when scheduling the duration of the task.

“The bike gives the delivery person a smaller radius to work,” he says. “Adjusting the distance and time to travel to delivery helps us a lot.”

Edinaldo also highlights the “good number of route offers” for those who use the bike to take orders, in addition to the affordable bike rental prices.

It also says that modal is a good choice for a healthier lifestyle. “On the pedal, we work with much more energy”, he says.

iFood support points

Like Edinaldo, more than 18 thousand delivery men and women have registered with iFood Pedal by the end of 2022. And the bike is successful in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which has become the first city in the country to reach the goal of iFood to make 50% of deliveries using a non-polluting mode.

iFood Pedal also offers delivery men and women support points to recharge their batteries while working — in March 2023, five new spaces were opened

The support points are located in iFood partner restaurants, in delivery hubs or in public spaces. There, the delivery drivers can rest, go to the bathroom, drink water and recharge their cell phones. 

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