Delivery man tells how he will become a triathlete in #QuartadoBem!

Discover the story of Leandro, who is training for Ironman with support from iFood

Today #QuartadoBem begins with an example of determination, that of triathlete delivery driver Leandro Ribeiro, 42 years old. In Balneário Camboriú (Santa Catarina), he is training to fulfill his dream of competing in the first triathlon of his life in 2024. 

Leandro says that he left a sedentary lifestyle behind, fell in love with racing and now wants to inspire more people with his journey, which he tells here.

And there's more good news: for the second year in a row, iFood is considered the most loved brand in Brazil by Net Love Score, a ranking carried out by Ecglobal.

Come with us to learn more about these stories!

Delivery man and triathlete? Leandro tells how to get there

Leandro Ribeiro, 42 years old, from Goiás, has worked as an iFood delivery man since 2021, and before that he already had a passion: running. It all started when he worked at a pizzeria in Blumenau (Santa Catarina).

“I was quite overweight. I had a client who was a personal trainer and one day I asked him if I could run. He gave me some tips and I started”, he says.

Leandro enjoyed running so much that he even started participating in marathons. “Sport, for me, is everything. It gives me more energy, more self-esteem, even my reasoning becomes better. The marathon gives you mental power, you start to have emotional intelligence to better deal with adverse situations on a daily basis.”

His dream now is to be a triathlete. To this end, at the end of October he starts training in Balneário Camboriú to face the Ironman in 2024 — and has the greatest support from iFood.

“I'm very excited. I intend to use my determination and my story to inspire iFood delivery people to dream again and believe in their dreams”, says Leandro.

“My change is for sport, but theirs could be for entrepreneurship, for music…”

Until Ironman, he will share his training and progress on his Instagram profile — and promises to even show what goes wrong. “I'm a little overweight, which is to show my teammates that a normal person can get there.”

Confident of success, he even got an Ironman tattoo on his left leg. “Everything we want to achieve in life we need to think about first and then achieve it”, he says. 

But his secret, really, is discipline.

“I have always been very dedicated. As a cloud delivery person, I could organize my time to work in the afternoon and evening and wake up early to study and go for my walk or run”, he reveals. 

He also has a lot of determination. “I'm a guy who has always achieved things with determination. I never had the best resources. But I have heart, determination and desire to finish what I set out to do.”

And stay strong: in addition to training for the triathlon, Leandro is going to write a book and wants to give talks about his story to encourage those who are feeling a little hopeless in life. For fellow delivery drivers, he has some advice:

“The only losers are those who give up on their dreams.”

The brand most loved by Brazilians? It's iFood!

For the second consecutive year, the company won the position of most loved brand by Brazilians. And it also increased its score, which went from 93.6 in 2022 to 111.6 in 2023.

This score is called Net Love Score, an indicator created to measure the level of connection that consumers have with a brand, taking into account love and loyalty to it, among other criteria.

More than 3,450 people across the country responded to the survey carried out by Ecglobal, a company in the Haus Ecosystem of the Stefanini Group.
For Alan Liberman, Co-CEO of Ecglobal, iFood's prominence in the ranking is due to its leadership among delivery applications and investment in user experience, according to Meio & Mensagem. “It is consistent and improving its services”, says Alan.

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