What is the perception of the work of delivery people on apps

Interviewees for the study reveal the advantages and challenges of working on platforms

What is the perception of the work of delivery people who work through applications? This is one of the questions addressed by research “Urban mobility and delivery logistics: an overview of the work of drivers and delivery people with apps”, carried out by Cebrap (Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning) at the request of Amobitec (Brazilian Mobility and Technology Association).

For delivery drivers, the advantages of working through applications are flexibility and autonomy —mentioned by 59% of those interviewed for the study— and earnings (mentioned by 43%), in addition to the freedom to work on a motorcycle (38%).

Percepções dos entregador sobre o app
percepção dos entregadores sobre os aplicativos
Percepção dos entregadores sobre os aplicativos

On the other hand, the biggest problems they encounter at work are the difficulty of finding the delivery address (for 66% of the interviewees) and making contact with customers or returning and losing goods (51%).

More about Cebrap research

Other issues that the delivery drivers also raised were involvement in traffic incidents while working with the apps (25%) and discrimination (18%), in addition to robberies (8%).

“iFood is aware of this challenge. Since 2019, we have expanded the offer free insurance to delivery people. In 2023, we want to advance even further in initiatives to promote traffic safety, and we will continue investing in actions to combat discrimination”, says Johnny Borges, head of social impact and iFood communities.  

Recently, iFood has also reinforced its application and in communications what does not tolerate any manifestation of prejudice towards delivery people. Racism, harassment, aggression and discrimination are crimes and offenders must not go unpunished. The platform may deactivate or apply other sanctions provided for in its Terms and Conditions, Contracts and Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Delivery driver work: most want to continue using apps

The Cebrap study also asked delivery drivers if they intended to continue working on digital platforms — and 78% said yes, while 14% said they wanted to leave the activity through apps. 

“This is a very high level. This result seems to indicate that these workers are adapting to a new way of working, with more autonomy and flexibility. Our role is to continue improving these professionals’ experience with the platform”, comments Debora Gershon, head of iFood public policies.

Regarding their prospects, 66% said they are not looking for another job and 23% responded that they are looking for another job, but want to continue with the apps. 

“This shows the importance of the government, platforms and society debating the regulation of work on applications. These workers say they want to continue with the platforms and be recognized as a category”, says Johnny. 

“It is important that delivery people feel respected and valued, not only by legislation but also by customers, being received kindly.”

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