iFood and Delivery Drivers: dialogue for the category’s social security

Delivery people think that the relationship with iFood could be better. iFood agrees

In 2021, iFood began a process of listening to the platform's delivery men and women, aiming to advance the category's demands. They think the relationship with iFood could be better. And iFood agrees with this. Since then, there have been dozens of meetings with representatives, the holding of the category's first national listening forum and the creation of a series of regional listening meetings across Brazil. 

Added to this, in 2022 a new step was taken: iFood and delivery leaders opened a dialogue process to discuss the social Security of the category. 

In addition to initiatives for better conditions and earnings – which need to continue, it is necessary to create regulations for the sector, which guarantees rights and preserves the dynamics of work autonomy on digital platforms. Social security promoted by social security inclusion is one way.  


The first meeting of the Delivery Workers Working Group on the category's social security was held on June 30, in Brasília, and involved representatives of associations and unions from four states, which already had a history of dialogue on the topic within the sector. They are: Ceará, Pernambuco, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. 

This is the beginning of a debate that is already being expanded, involving more representatives from other states and regions. From now on, it is possible to share the consensus found by the group, aiming to provide transparency to interested parties. This document, co-signed with the participants in the initial formation of the Working Group, describes the main paths discussed. 

What is the consensus between delivery drivers and the platform:  

Deliverers and iFood defend effective social security inclusion for the category. This means that the model needs to be cheaper It is less bureaucratic for the independent worker in comparison to existing alternatives, aiming to expand access. This is the premise of the debate, which also found consensus on the following points:  

  • Creation of a mechanism that facilitates social security inclusion of this public, different from current models, preserving the characteristics of autonomy and non-exclusivity, while guaranteeing access to social benefits (retirement, parental leave, sickness benefit, death pension); 
  • Majority contribution from platforms, who must bear the highest percentage of the tax rate cost, to be divided by three (worker, company and government) – unlike MEI, where only workers and government pay the bill;
  • Withholding model, with the aim of simplifying the contribution process and cost sharing, in addition to facilitating the necessary compliance to guarantee access to benefits;
  • Variable contribution amount according to the worker's engagement on the platforms, that is, considering a percentage based on the exercise of the activity, enabling the participation of those who use the applications as a source of supplementary income - unlike MEI, where there is a fixed monthly cost, regardless of the activity carried out . 

The demands discussed at the first meeting:

The delivery driver representatives also brought points for discussion with the group, including the need to transparency and proportionality in relation to blocking mechanisms carried out by the platforms, considering the potential impact on social security contributions. 

As ways to address the problem, on the part of platforms, there is a need for them to establish clear and transparent policies for blocking, suspending and deleting delivery people's accounts and guarantee mechanisms for reviewing these procedures, rectifying the contribution if there is a review. of a decision to delete the account, for example. Law 14,297/2022 set a precedent on the topic, which must be considered. For the government, there is a need to guarantee means for professionals to continue contributing spontaneously within the proposed model or within an alternative model, if they stop operating on platforms. 

Other demands brought by the representatives, which will be taken up by iFood in dialogue with the sector and public authorities: 

  • petition to the government of eliminate the shortage to access benefits;
  • possibility of discussing retirement by contribution time for the category;
  • clear description of the characteristics of autonomy and independence of the category of delivery people and app drivers, which must be respected, aiming to shield them in their relationship with platforms and logistics operators.


Today in Brazil there are 1.5 million of delivery people and drivers who generate income through applications, according to IPEA. 43% of this public does not have any INSS coverage, according to research by Datafolha. Despite this, the biggest long- and medium-term concerns of application workers are related to demands covered by social security, for example, loss of income due to health-related issues. 

The figure of MEI has brought important advances to society, but it does not meet the reality of platform work and today only reaches 16% of this public, according to Datafolha. Among the obstacles are the fixed payment regardless of the income obtained from the activity, the payment system and default, which makes access to benefits impossible. 

Deliverers and iFood therefore defend the effective social security inclusion of the category. The largest companies in the sector, represented by Brazilian Mobility and Technology Association (Amobitec), have consensus on the agenda and the Association has led the issue. There is a way to move forward together. This is a long debate, which depends on the government, but which needs to be continued.


The debate over the social security of delivery people and app drivers is not simple and does not resolve all of the category's demands. But Entregadors and iFood believe that this is a tool for joint dialogue and a fundamental advance in the regulation of platform work that will bring more rights and dignity.   

The next step in this movement is to carry out new meetings to walk on the agenda, bringing more representatives to the dialogue table. It is estimated that the debate will extend throughout 2022 and 2023. 

In addition to GT, iFood has been active in disseminating agenda of social security inclusion in regional listening events held across the country – in total, there will be 30 meetings in 20 states until September. Although it is not the focus of the events, social security is one of the topics covered and the reception has been positive. Participating couriers see the theme as effective protection and social inclusion for different fathers and mothers in families, given the new forms of work.  

The representatives that make up the Working Group, in turn, will continue to pay attention to demand and lead the progress together with iFood. The commitment is to place workers’ desires at the center of the debate. 

The participants of the first GT meeting sign this letter:

(EC) Douglas Sousa Silva – Association of Application Workers of Fortaleza – ATAF

(FOOT) Rodrigo Lopes da Silva Correia – Union of employees and self-employed people with motorcyclists and bicycles via apps in Pernambuco – SEAMBA-PE

(MG) Donizete Antonio de Oliveira – Union of Motorbike Taxi Drivers, Motor Freight Drivers and Self-Employed Cyclists of the State of Minas Gerais – Sindimoto-MG

(RJ) Luiz Carlos Corrêa De Albuquerque – Union of Service Providers Through Apps and Software for Electronic Devices of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro and Metropolitan Region – Sindmobi 

(iFood) Johnny Borges – iFood Communities area

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