A tour of the 5 new support points for iFood delivery people

Check out photos and testimonials about the new rest spaces opened in Brasília, Fortaleza, João Pessoa, Belo Horizonte and Goiânia

In March, iFood opened five support points for delivery men and women who work on the platform. Support points are spaces created so that they can take a break to rest during deliveries — and are one of the advantages of Delivery of Advantages from iFood.

These spaces are located in iFood partner restaurants, in delivery hubs or in public spaces. There, the delivery drivers can rest, go to the bathroom, drink water and recharge their cell phones. 

Today, there are 764 support points available in 14 cities. Check out, below, where the new points and support are — and what the delivery people thought of the new feature.


On the 24th, the iFood opened, in Asa Sul, the first public support point for delivery people, in partnership with the government of the Federal District (where today there are more than 140 spaces of this type).

“iFood understands that it is important to value and offer adequate working conditions for delivery people. We are very happy to deliver the first public support point in the Federal District. This is an important milestone of an initiative carried out in conjunction with the government and active participation of delivery drivers in the region”, says Stella Chamarelli, director of delivery experience.

“The opening of the support point in Brasília shows the appreciation of the workers who are on the streets every day, as it is an initiative that provides a pleasant, spacious and well-structured place”, comments delivery driver João Ferreira dos Santos Júnior, known as Índio. “I passed by there earlier, I saw that it was a nice place and that is very important.”


On the 27th, the inauguration took place in the center of Fortaleza (CE), where another support point was created — the city has 50 spaces. This is also an exclusive support point for iFood, created in partnership with the city of Fortaleza.

“We looked at the places that have the most demand for iFood and Fortaleza is one of them”, says Stella. “We saw the opportunity here to create a larger space. We have a very good dialogue with the Association of App Workers of Fortaleza (ATAF), offering courses and training to delivery drivers, so we saw the opportunity to create a space dedicated to the development of delivery drivers, with study and class space.” 

Douglas Sousa, president of ATAF, comments on the importance of the inauguration of the site: “In my point of view, this support point is another achievement of our category, here, in our capital. It's great to have another space that we can get to, wait for a race, park, store stuff or use a bathroom, for example. Today, the biggest advantage that our category of delivery drivers can have is a humanized place”. 

João Pessoa

João Pessoa also won, on the 29th, the first support point developed by iFood, which is located at Avenida General Edson Ramalho, 254. In the capital of Paraíba there are 20 support points, of which 19 are in partnership with restaurants

“The arrival of this new support point was very important. We didn't have anything like this structure, with sockets, a refrigerator, a microwave, for example. We really felt welcomed”, comments Leandro Martins, a delivery man registered with iFood for over four years. 

Belo Horizonte

On the 31st, the capital of Minas Gerais gained a support point, offered by iFood in partnership with the Marmitaria BH restaurant. The point is in the center of Belo Horizonte, which now has 72 units.

The space has its own parking, microwave, place to eat, access to drinking water, bathroom, sockets, among other facilities that contribute to your delivery routine 

“iFood understands that it is important to value and offer adequate working conditions for delivery people. We are very happy to provide another Support Point for delivery people in the region”, says Stella.


Goiânia (GO) also opened its first iFood support point, which is located in Vila São Tomaz and can be used by the city's delivery drivers as a place to rest, recharge their cell phones, use the bathroom, among others during one delivery or another.

The capital now has 37 support points, 36 of which are in partnership with restaurants. “Thanks to our dialogue with iFood, our objective of having a support point in the city became something real and came to meet our daily needs”, says delivery driver Marcione Luiz Araujo Silva, known as Ferrugem.

“Having a space with infrastructure is very rewarding for the delivery person, in addition to seeing that the company also cares about the category. We, from Goiânia, were very happy.”

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