Children's visit to the Fluxo mansion excites delivery partner

Adriano Lameu's children get to know the house routine, compete in matches with players and win gifts from the eSports team

One of the (many) good things about fatherhood is that the children's achievements and dreams end up being a little bit of their parents' too. After all, if passions pass from a parent to their children, the opposite is also true. Adriano Lameu, iFood's delivery partner, says so! 

In the month in which the Father's Day, iFood and Flow, esports organization company sponsored, promoted an eye-catching action for Hadrian and his three children, Micah, Noemi and Deborah. 

The trio, passionate about the universe of electronic games, and the father, passionate about his children, were invited to visit the mansion where the main Free Fire players live and train, as you can see in the video below.

“My greatest satisfaction is making their dream come true. The happiness I saw when I said they would come here, wow, was the greatest satisfaction for me”, said Adriano during the visit.

Games, challenges, giveaways and excitement

The action began with Adriano's children visiting the facilities of one of the gaming houses of the team. eSports. They got to know the rooms, the players' routines and even played some Free Fire games with the staff.

Afterwards, they visited the works of the future training center (next to the main house) and even competed in the Travessão Challenge, on the court in the mansion, with the children beating Nobru and Jefão and making the pair do five push-ups.

“I follow your work and I think very cool. It influences a lot of people in good things. Kids love it, especially my kids. My son (Micah), if I let him, he won't even sleep [to watch the videos of Flow]”, says Adriano.

“Just as there are a lot of people who admire our run, there are a lot of people who also admire your (delivery partner) runs”, replied Nobru. “As a father, I made some of the dreams I could for my son come true. I think it’s great to see you fulfilling a dream for your loved ones”, added Jefão. 

At the end of the visit, after the children's swim in the pool, Nobru and Jefão gave a gift bag to each of Adriano's children, containing a personalized t-shirt, sneakers and a cell phone. Adriano, of course, was moved.

“Everyone is in Flow now”, said Adriano, between laughs and some tears. “It’s a dream to be with the Fluxo guys here and with my children. Thank you for making this dream of my children and mine come true”, he thanked.

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