Would you like a coffee… with the sauce? See 5 curious recipes with the drink

Brazilians are so passionate about the bean that a survey carried out by the Brazilian Coffee Industry Association (ABIC) showed that anyone who is a fan drinks a cup of coffee at least twice a day, if not three or four times.

Coffee, whether filtered or espresso, can also be used to make pasta, meat and drinks, did you know?

The most loved drink in Brazil and the second most consumed here (second only to water) is called coffee. Brazilians are so passionate about the bean that a survey carried out by the Brazilian Coffee Industry Association (ABIC) showed that anyone who is a fan drinks a cup of coffee at least twice a day, if not three or four times. Is this your case?

To celebrate World Coffee Day, celebrated on April 14th, how about changing a little from the traditional and trying other ways of consuming the drink? In addition to the best-known preparations, such as espresso, dripping and cappuccino, coffee is also used in drinks, desserts and different dishes — here are some recipes and interesting facts about the drink!

Coffee Caipirinha

The combination of the two passions of Brazilians gives game, according to the website Moka Club. Just make the caipirinha the traditional way and add espresso at room temperature when adding the cachaça and ice.

Irish Coffee

This typical Irish drink is a good choice for colder days: it combines fresh, hot coffee, whiskey and sugar, as well as cream to finish. The list of ingredients and preparation method find it here.

Carré lamb in coffee sauce with mint

In this recipe from Good for Food, coffee (the actual drink) comes in when finishing the sauce that will be used over the piece of meat, alongside the olive oil, mint and roast juice.

Pasta with mushroom sauce and coffee

Another recipe from De Bem Com a Comida; In this case, the coffee joins the fresh cream, the mushrooms and the water used to hydrate the mushrooms to compose the sauce and give the pasta a very special taste.

cheesecake chocolate and coffee

In this dessert, coffee joins cream cheese, condensed milk and chocolate to give a striking flavor. Check out the recipe — and get inspired by others that use coffee — in this article on Guide of the Week.

6 curious facts about coffee in Brazil and around the world

1. In 2021, the Brazil produced 47.7 million bags of 60 kg of coffee, according to Conab (National Supply Company).

2. Only with this much Brazilian coffee would it be possible to serve 228.9 billion cups of coffee, more or less 30 cups for every inhabitant of the Earth (if everyone drank the drink).

3. In absolute numbers, Brazil is the second largest consumer of coffee of the world. According to ABIC, 21.5 million bags of coffee were used for domestic consumption in 2021. The United States leads with 26 million bags.

4. And the higher consumption per inhabitant? The leaders of the ranking are neither the United States nor Brazil. It's Finland. According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), each Finn has a quota of 12 kg of coffee per year.

5. The top 3 biggest consumers per capita it is all from Scandinavia: Norway (9.9 kg per person) and Iceland (9 kg per person). Canada is the only non-European country among the 10 largest consumers per person of the grain.

6. Brazil loves coffee, but it is only 14th in the consumption ranking per capita annually, which is 5.8 kg per person.

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