The hottest areas for a career in technology

Mastering technologies such as programming, security and Big Data is the way to keep vacancies open

In the area of technology, there is a lot of talk about the phenomenon of technological blackout: Many vacancies are open on the market and there are not enough professionals to fill them. By 2025, more than 159,000 jobs should be created per year in the country, but only 53,000 graduates will reach the market, according to Brasscom (Association of Information and Communication Technology and Digital Technologies Companies).

Therefore, there is a widespread need for specialized professionals, by companies from different sectors. But one specific area is, today, the one that has the greatest demand: the development of software.

The programmer John Gabriel, head technology and partner at Ideen and LinkedIn Top Voice on the subject, explains that these professionals — responsible for developing and testing software, applications, websites and operating systems—these are the ones most lacking in companies (technology or otherwise). 

“Out of ten vacancies that a company opens in the IT area, I estimate that six are for developers and the rest for other areas”, he says “Today, what prevents companies from growing is no longer the lack of money, but the lack of hands. of work.”

In addition to developers, João Gabriel also cites information security as an area that will possibly need qualified professionals to meet the need to protect business assets. “Technology has brought freedom and risks. From the moment we are hyperconnected, the number of attacks against institutions also increases.”

Data Science 

In its latest intelligence and information report, Brasscom believes that mature technologies, such as Big Data & Analytics, Cloud and Web Mobile will be the ones that will lead the way in job creation in the IT area by 2025. Of the 797 thousand jobs predicted for be generated between 2021 and 2025, 336.3 thousand vacancies will be opened for those working in these three fields.

Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligencel, Internet of Things, blockchain and Information Security will also be important job seekers. According to Brasscom, an investment of R$ 510 billion is expected in digital transformation technologies in Brazil between 2022 and 2025.

In these fields, the market is not just looking for recent graduates; The biggest shortage is for senior-level professionals. This applies to all areas, especially development and engineering. software

“The academy is currently unable to place the number of qualified people on the market to meet a demand that is only growing”, observes João Gabriel. “There are a lot of vacancies for seniors and there are too many people for few junior vacancies.”

Trending careers in technology

Investment outlook 2022-2025

R$ 510.5 billion

Cloud – R$ 181.8 billion

Big Data & Analytics – R$ 94.6 billion

Internet of Things – R$ 56.9 billion

Artificial Intelligence – R$ 49.7 billion

Information Security – R$ 46.7 billion

Robotics – R$ 36.5 billion

Social Networks – R$ 38.7 billion

Virtual Reality – R$ 3.2 billion

Blockchain – R$ 1.6 billion

3D printing – R$ 800 million

Sources: Brasscom, IDC (Black Book Q4 2021, Black Book 3rd Platform, 2021 H1)

Technology that will generate the most jobs in the period

Big Data & Analytics: 147.2 thousand

Cloud: 94.7 thousand

Web Mobile and others: 92.4 thousand

Sources: Brasscom, Word Economic Forum (Future of Jobs – 2021), ABES (Brazilian Software Market – Panorama and Trends – 2021), Bacen, IDC, Financial Reports of State-Owned Companies, RAIS, Caged and Novo Caged.

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