Good or bad? The ethical use of AI to achieve its benefits

As is generally the case with everything new and disruptive, AI raises some fears. And they are associated with the misuse of technology. What can you do, then, to take advantage of everything there?artificial intelligence offers something positive without the burden of fraudulent intentions?

The ethical use of AI is the theme of fourth episode of the special web series about AI from iFood, a Brazilian technology company. “We cannot avoid the benefit because there will be fraud”, highlights Fabricio Bloisi, CEO of the company, in response to those who are reluctant to join the advances for fear of possible problems.

The video presents paths and solutions to extract the best possible results from the AI revolution, favoring the ethical and responsible use of its resources. “We will have to have laws and regulations that prevent abuse”, says Fabricio Bloisi.

Diego Barreto, VP of strategy and finance at iFood, assesses another focus of concern related to AI, stating that it “will not steal jobs”, but rather “transfer jobs”, as long as the technological advance is “well-architected”.

In this fourth episode of the series, which you can watch on iFood News channel on YouTube, Camila Nagano, head of privacy at iFood, also explains the importance of being careful in searches and research using AI tools, so as not to fall into biased narratives.

This rigor in data processing, by the way, is a constant in all iFood practices linked to artificial intelligence.

Follow the iFood AI series

To inspire more people and companies to embark on the universe of artificial intelligence, iFood, a Brazilian technology company, is sharing his knowledge on the topic in this special web series, which will have six episodes, all available on YouTube. 

In this series, company executives will reveal behind the scenes of the development of artificial intelligence in the world and at iFood.

Anyone who follows the web series will find out, for example, what the new products that iFood is launching and that use artificial intelligence to benefit customers, delivery people and restaurants — and how company employees use AI in their work.

At the first episode, Fabricio Bloisi, Diego Barreto and Marcos Gurgel bring examples of how generative artificial intelligence has been revolutionizing computer programming and what is the impact of these transformations on iFood's business.

In the second, they reveal how artificial intelligence has been evolving rapidly over the last ten years. The third episode addresses how iFood applies AI in its relationships with customers, delivery people and restaurants.

In the next episode, you will find out what iFood CEO, Fabricio Bloisi's vision is about the future of AI.

Stay tuned to iFood News to learn more about the iFood AI series!

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