Professional development at iFood: how to build your PDI

Tips for developing an individual internal development plan, from objectives to deliverables

Bruno Hanai

💻 Product Manager (Data Platform, Data Catalog) at iFood

My name is Bruno Hanai, I started working at iFood in November 2017 as a Data Analyst, and I have been focusing on Data Academy for about 1 year. In this new area, I stopped doing data analysis to focus on people development and training programs. Therefore, like everyone else, I have a lot to study and learn to carry out my mission well!

Before starting, three important points:

  1. This text will be written and presented in an organized and linear way to make it easier to read, however, it is worth remembering that things happened in a not-so-organized in real life.

  2. This text represents only my opinion and my current knowledge on the subject. You can and should always question suggestions. If you are about to build your first PDI, it may be interesting to follow 100% the logic that will be presented here, and then make adjustments to the next PDI.

  3. During the text, I present some extra content, such as videos and links. These contents are not necessary to understand this text, they are just periodicals.

My approach

Honestly, I have never had an PDI that made me proud of the organization and results obtained — very well planned, very well executed and very well finished.

During the planning of my last PDI (in October/2020), some people raised doubts in a group that participated. In one of the messages, a person asked: “Does anyone feel comfortable sharing their own PDI?” -no one answered.

I was thinking about the subject and did some research looking for a perfect guide for my PDI. First, I remembered that the

I had indicated a text on the subject at an event here at iFood. The text started off very exciting, highlighting the fact that “the PDI has become something mechanical and bureaucratized” . Afterwards, he brought interesting opinions. And then… it ended.

“Like so many other corporate solutions, the problem is that the PDI has been bureaucratized. And, as a result, its real impact was greatly reduced.”

Additionally, I found other interesting materials ( 1 / 2 ). Thinking about these materials and all the others I could find out there, my thought was: I'm going to need time to read, time to understand, time to apply and time to ensure you follow the directions correctly. Additionally, you will need luck so that all this is the best for me and that my PDI does not become something “mechanical and bureaucratized” .

For these reasons, I managed to follow my own approach…


Looking back, I can map my planning as follows:

  • Goal Definition
  • Objective Breakdown
  • Definition of Actions
  • Management / Execution
  • Deliverables Report
  • Thanks
  • Archiving

PDI — Planning

Goal Definition


Goal: Be a professional capable of implementing training programs with real results (“better business results”)

 What is it:

"goal" is a macro and long-term definition of where I want to arrive. 

This is the most important step, after all, what would be the point of having a great PDI, with all successful actions, if they took me to a different place than I wanted?

How to set:

To help with the definition, consider the following points: 1) something that has value for the company; 2) something I can contribute; and 3) something I really enjoy doing. This is something inspired by Ikigai and also in the feedback I received from

It has been some time.

How I made mine: 

During planning, I was torn between two goals:

  • Be a good manager — develop skills related to managing people and projects;
  • Be a professional capable of implementing training programs with real results.

Initially, I chose the 1st option (management) and designed my entire PDI based on it — without consulting anyone. When I presented it to my manager, to my surprise, he asked some questions and disagreed with the choice I made.

I confess that I was in defensive mode and was willing to take the future plan. Then, after a weekend of reflection, I went back.

Something that helped me in this reflection was thinking and writing. Thinking — with an open mind — helped bring all the facts together in a neutral way. Writing — several times — helped bring order to my thoughts.

Therefore, I wrote a “letter” to myself talking about my goal. The letter answered, in a superficial way, some questions: What is the current situation? What do I want to achieve? What do I intend to do? What will be the gains?

Writing this letter externalized my thoughts. This helped me realize if I was “pushing something”, doing something meaningless and for no reason. I advise you to write this letter with the idea that it will be private, so that you feel more comfortable.

Extra advice and thoughts:

1. About “personal criticism”

It's important that you make sure you're not setting goals that are too complicated. This can manifest itself through many objectives (quantity) or few objectives (difficulty). I associate this with the fact that PDI is a personal thing, and many of us have a very critical personal view. For example, when I think about other people, I think something like this:

“Flávio is an excellent leader! The PDI could be simple: develop skills focused on managing data analysis projects.”

When I think about myself, I think something like this:

“I need to study advanced statistics, learn even more about Tableau, be a reference in Dataviz. I need to improve problem solving, critical calculation, planning. I need to manage projects and people. I need to be a good mentor. I need to communicate better. I need to know everything about L&D. I need to be creative. I need to have Product Owner skills. I can't get rusty in programming Besides…”

Here at PDI, this more “objective” and “simplistic” vision is important. Therefore, it may be useful:

  • Request lots of feedback in order to get the perceptions of others about you;
  • Write the letter that I mentioned before, in order to have a “external view of you” ;
  • Understanding that the PDI will be a plan to accelerate and focus on a goal specific, but that other skills continue to be developed on a daily basis.

2. External view

Based on the previous item, I want to reinforce the importance of obtaining the perceptions of others when defining the objective of the your PDI:

3. Be the best version of yourself ( “Unique knowledge” )

I once read something like:“It’s better to be your best self than a bad copy of someone else.”

There is a risk of the objective set based on the desire to be "equal" to someone who is in a higher level charge. It doesn't seem like a mistake to do this, but trying to put purpose and satisfaction ahead of "success" , I've been trying to do something different.

There are some, almost hundreds, of proven Analysts and Data Scientists at iFood. I can try to be like them—and I can "fail" or have "success" in this search. In both cases, I am unhappy.

My path is different: a former Data Analyst, who works at Data Academy, focusing on learning and training, seeking to develop and train analysts to obtain their best results, progressing in their careers and bringing results to the company.

For now, I believe I am the only one on this path. Soon, I hope to have a few more people like that at the moment. 🙂

Objective Breakdown


Objective — Developments:

Development programs with real results:
• Plan, implement and manage complete programs (start to finish)
• Map needs that require intervention (training)

Theoretical basis on “Learning”:
• Know concepts/theories that involve the subject
• Be able to identify flaws in existing initiatives
• Have ownership of the subject, be sought after and consulted on the subject

⇒ What is it: 

Based on the previously defined macro objective, I broke down items related to the big objective.

  • They may refer to a knowledge (e.g. Communication);
  • They may refer to a behavior (e.g. Knowing how to communicate progress to different stakeholders, frequently, during the execution of a project);
  • There is no necessarily need to be very detailed and specific;
  • They will be used to define actions , therefore, they need to be able to inspire these actions ;
  • Not all items will be done during the PDI — some will not be done at all. On the other hand, a single action may address several of these items.

How to define + How I made mine: 

  • To break down the objective, consider:

    • Behaviors: What do I want to be able to do in the future?

    • Knowledge: What knowledge do I want to have in the future?

    • Pains and opportunities: what pains can be worked on and related to my goal , identified in projects or current times?

    • Feedback: What useful can I bring, based on the feedback I received recently?

Extra advice and thoughts:

1. What is your focus?

This development can change a lot depending on the current focus of your career. Do you want to be promoted? Do you want to change career/area? Do you want to agree on something?

2. Hit the macro objective

If this unfolding work makes you realize that the macro objective doesn't make much sense, redo the goal . As much work as it is, it is necessary. You need to set the macro objective correctly.

3. Work (and learning) happens every day

The PDI is a specific action plan focused on developing a set of skills and behaviors — but it is not the single plan or only action that will take place during the period. Learning other subjects, in other forms, will continue to be part of everyday life.

That's why, at PDI, I don't think about “What problem do I need to solve at work by the end of the month?” I prefer “What skills do I want to have to solve the problems that arise from now on?”


The next items in this text will be more focused on the execution of the PDI, so I want to highlight the conditions that the iFood environment provided for me:

  • Time (PDI duration): 6 months, from October/2020 to March/2021. In practice, five months, as I spent the month of October doing the planning that I am detailing here in this text. Thinking about the importance of planning, and this is not something that can dominoes, I think it is an acceptable amount of time.

  • Budget: we currently have the #PRASUAFOME available. It is financial support where each FoodLover has an amount to use in as many courses/initiatives as they want during the PDI period. Initiatives must be aligned with their objective and each FoodLover is entitled to the same amount, depending on the area, regardless of the load, for use. I must say that the value made available in this cycle was well above what I could expect from a company.

  • Development Quarters: every Wednesday, from 9am to 12pm, we have a free schedule for studies. iFood is frequently invited to bring and/or promote other initiatives at this time. In any case, each FoodLover can use it however they prefer.

  • iLearn: is our LXP ( Learning Experience Platform ). There, we have a catalog of content from different providers (Coursera, Udemy, Alura, getAbstract, etc.), interest groups, and history of people studies.



Pre Actions:
• Mentoring with “person X” on “subject Y”
• Read the book “The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning”
• Compile interesting training websites/profiles

Post Actions:
• Write a text about PDI planning
• Make a presentation on “The Forgetting Curve”
• Benchmarking with “X training area”

 What is it: 

Are the actions that you will carry out with the intention of developing the items defined in the Objective Breakdown . These actions they will bring me closer to the defined objective (direction), but will not necessarily get me there on the PDI final date (destination).

How I made mine: 

Initially, I simply defined several actions that you found interesting. Throughout the PDI, I noticed some points in my approach:

  • Some actions they seem interesting at the time of planning, but in reality they are not. You need to have the autonomy to abandon them.
  • With some knowledge acquired during the PDI, ideas for actions best. You need to have space to add them — what I call here “post actions” .
  • Many of these actions are, in fact, deliverables . It is necessary to differentiate these terms.

How to set:

Define few actions during planning your PDI. Give more general preferences that can be made quickly. Having the first mentoring conversations or choosing books/courses that cover the subject in a broad and superficial way are good options.

During the execution of the plan, your perspective and knowledge on the subject should increase, perhaps even change. Therefore, other actions — the “post actions” — should emerge.

  • Example 1 — Pre action: “mentoring with (…) about (…)” → Post action: “read the article (…), which talks about the framework (…), indicated in the mentoring I did” ;


  • Example 2 (Inverse) — Pre action: “read the book (…) to find out more about (…)” → Post action: “mentoring with (…), to discuss the subject (…), which I read in the book”


Characteristics of these 2 types of actions:

  • Pre action: Generalist. Comprehensive exploration ( "exploration" ). Probably, actions simpler to comply with. They must be carried out at the beginning of the plan, quickly, to generate the remaining actions .


  • Post action: Focused and specific. In-depth exploration ( “exploitation” ), seeking to explore something that has already been identified. Probably, actions more resistant and advanced.

Extra advice and thoughts:

1. Action x Deliverable

  • Action: actions carried out in attempt to develop something. It can and should be specific (e.g. “get mentoring from so-and-so” ), but the result obtained through it does not (e.g.: “What exactly will you be able to learn from so-and-so or do with certain knowledge?” )
  • Deliverable: is evidence or finding that you delivered something, be it some product or some value.


Some related examples:

  • “Write a book summary” . It's an action, because you just need to read and write. Typically, book summaries look like deliverables , in an attempt to have something to to test that the content was read and reflected upon.
  • “Learn X techniques”. It is best to avoid this type of action (“Learn…”), preferring a list of actions that can be done for the purpose of learning.
  • “Apply X techniques to a project”. If the purpose of this item is to take advantage of delivering real work, it shouldn't be here. If the goal is to learn, it will usually be interesting as a “post action” (after understanding whether this action really is the best one to learn).


Therefore, without planning, almost everything is action . These are items that depend on some will and movement to be carried out. Later on, I will give my vision about the deliverables .

2. Learn from people

Reading a book and taking an online course are the actions most common and simple to define/perform. There are others actions that can be done and can be complementary, more fun and more valuable.

Participating in study groups, mentoring, and even teaching someone about something they just learned are options — and realizing that these options are more focused on relationships with people . At this point, I always remember a phrase I heard from

(which maybe he heard someone):

“We overestimate access to content and underestimate access to people”

We want to have access to content (books and courses), and we don't realize that knowledge can be found in the people around us.

3. 70/20/10 Model

The “70/20/10” is a general guideline for how our learning happens. This model says that 70% of what we know was learned during the execution of our tasks, 20% was learned through relationships with people, and 10% was learned through formal content.

I would tell you not to get too caught up in these numbers. , but understand/remember that learning happens with the mixture of these three items. Therefore, be creative and seek to learn in different ways.

Perhaps, your “pre actions” have specifications in 10% and 20%, while the “post actions” will have specifications on the 70% — but, I repeat, don't get too attached to these numbers at the risk of directing your actions so “mechanical” and robotic” .

4. SMART Actions

“ SMART is the name of a methodology that establishes criteria for defining objectives and goals, which are based on 5 factors: S (specific), M (measurable), A (attainable), R (relevant) and T (temporal ). ).”

How can these criteria guide the definition of actions :

  • (S) Specific. A action that will be carried out must be specific. We're not talking about what you'll learn — but what, exactly, will you do?

  • (M) Measurable. You need to be able to identify whether an action was taken or not. Will it be possible to clearly identify that it was carried out?

  • (A) Attainable. Here it is necessary to ensure that the necessary resources will be available. You "resources" are: people involved, money, time, etc.

  • (R) Relevant. If the previous steps of the plan were followed, we will have relevant actions.

  • (T)Temporal. When will you finish taking an action? Control the calendar so you don't need to speed up the execution of an action, as this could compromise learning.




• I gave a presentation on “The Forgetting Curve”. → Recording: (link)

• With the new knowledge, I identified conceptual flaws in “program X”.
→ Analysis: (document)

• With the actions that took place during the last PDIs, I received the “X” invitation.
→ Invitation: (image?)

⇒ What is it:

Within the PDI context, much of what I previously called “deliverables” was transformed into “actions”.

To me, deliverables are evidence that produces something like what develops during the development plan. It doesn't necessarily need to be effective evidence — but if it is, even better.

Extra advice and thoughts:

1. Pressure for deliverable

There is a big pressure by defining the deliverables , both in the planning phase and in the plan closure phase. It is common to hear some feedback like: “Okay, but what will be the deliverables (translation: proof) of your plan?”

For me, this is a characteristic of “Mechanical PDIs” . They are deliverables which were defined in the initial stage of the plan, at a time of a lot of uncertainty (due to advance) and little knowledge (when we are going to develop a topic that we do not yet know well).

This may be the biggest point of contention between you and your leadership. At this point, I take advantage of a certain freedom that currently exists in iFood and do not define deliverables in advance. If by chance my manager starts with this, I can present it as "actions" , as they are normally seen as deliverables — and thus my PDI can be "approved" .

2. SMART deliverables?

The pressure for deliverables that I mentioned previously can happen together with the pressure that these deliverables are SMART.

What I think about this is: if I, at the beginning of the PDI, can define a deliverable SMART, which means I know a lot about deliverable . In other words, I want to say that I trust that I will make this delivery with what I already know now (perhaps with a little less quality) and within the stipulated deadline. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, it's not inspiring at all, and it seems like something just to meet the schedule — which is why I call it "action" (since it's something I I go to do).

Furthermore, there are cases where we define deliverables out of reality, simply because I don't know the real difficulty of doing something, simply because don't know much about this something !

Therefore, I do not define the deliverables in advance. And for this reason, I leave space for “post actions” . This way, we pave the way for opportunities and inspirations that will arise during the execution of the plan.

3. Examples of deliverables (in the context of PDI)

  • "Give a lecture" is action . The recording archive and possible spontaneous praise from experts in the field are the deliverables .

  • “Apply hundreds of training sessions” is action . “Being called a teacher, even though I’m not a teacher” and the deliverable .

  • Writing this text about PDI is a action . Any possible positive consequence will be deliverable.

I would like to highlight some points from these examples:

  • If you analyze it, you will realize that these actions It is deliverables They are well related to my macro objective and the items generated from its development.

  • Regarding the "action" , realize that it's simple: it's actually an action that you committed to doing and did. Some are valuable and a little difficult, but should not be called “deliverables” .

  • About the “deliverables” , we realize that they are more related to some value delivered and are normally passive. It was something that happened as a result of action , but it wasn't something I had complete control over.

Therefore, at the end of the plan it is necessary to stop and set up a deliverables report : reflect, analyze and survey what happened due to the actions of my PDI


In short, I use a simple “board”, with some categories (books, courses, specific actions, etc.), to monitor the execution of my PDI tasks.

With a well-made plan ( goals clear + actions SMART), you shouldn't have too many problems with this. Below, a example from my board — using the app Todoist :

Some comments on this:

  • Only place items related to the PDI on the board, and only those that are already defined. Leave ideas and other “extra content” out. The chance of it becoming a mess is high, and this could lead to people abandoning the use of the chosen application.

  • For each “pre action” , Have a “decision checkpoint” . It is a data limit for you to decide whether to perform that action and, if necessary, define what it will be. For example, I can create an action “write 1 text” and, when the checkpoint arrives, decide if I want to write and what subject it will be about.

  • If necessary, cancel and delete actions that no longer make sense. Add “post actions” at the place. Do it the best way, thinking about the current situation and the defined objectives. Counterpoint: be careful not to make mistakes and sabotage.

  • When creating items and defining data, try to put together a timeline and see if it looks doable. If the timeline looks like a little tight, be suspicious and try to improve. From experience, the timeline should be very free to succeed. Problems will happen along the way and you need space to adjust. Be pessimistic here at this point and remember that “post actions” will arise during the plan.

  • Try to have few and great content. This way, you can dedicate the necessary attention to each one. It is possible to read 1 book a week and it is possible to take a course in one afternoon, but with what quality? Leave space for in-depth studies, such as: re-reading, notes, questions, practice and comparison with other materials. Counterpoint: Spending too much time on a material can also be bad! It is necessary to balance

PDI – Execution

We have reached the plan execution phase. What we have so far: definition of goal macro, unfolding of the objective, definition of actions and the frame for task management.

With all of this done well, execution shouldn't be difficult. If you set actions in shape SMART (remember to "A" attainable and “T” storm), execution should be easy.

Here, I will share some related opinions:

Try to have routines

  • Study (books, courses) always at the same time and preferably daily . I am writing parts of this text, daily, at 9 pm. The text is quite large and full of content, but it was produced in 1 hour/day work.

  • Suggestion (which I don't do often, but I'll consider doing it): Find a friend (friend/colleague) and chat weekly about the status of plans .

  • Do a review biweekly or monthly the status of your PDI: check the management framework, data adjustment, decision checkpoints, post actions.

From halfway through the plan onwards, study with focus

“Knowledge is a factory, not a library”

In the beginning, it may be good to open your mind and create a map of the topic of interest. Then, halfway through the plan, try to study content focused on an action.

For example: at the beginning of the plan, I can read the book “The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning” entire page for an overview of training programs (wide reading). Then, from halfway through, I can only read the chapter “Teaching Students to Question Knowledge” , from the book “Think Again” (focused reading).

Have at least 1 mentorship during the plan

Why “1” mentoring?

So that you know (or remember) about how good mentoring is. AND "for free" , it's human, it's not tiring, and it's based on the real experiences of someone who is in some way close to you.

The guidelines for mentoring are: it is usually outside of our comfort zone, we are embarrassed to ask for it and afraid of disturbing someone.

Want to know the advantages? So have at least 1 mentorship during the plan.

Motivation x Discipline

If you already know the difference between "motivation" It is "discipline" , this topic is going to be cliché. If you don't know, you need to know.

  • Motivation: It’s that initial excitement we have at the beginning of the year or plan. It can be generated for several reasons: at the turn of the year, "anger" (someone criticized you, something bad happened and you want to turn things around), for being happy with a promotion/merit you received, for being in a new role, for being with a new manager, etc.

  • Discipline: Unfortunately, your initial motivation is (almost) guaranteed to run out. We are driven by incentives and get used to things . Thinking about the PDI, the protection we have is discipline. Being disciplined keeps us on plan, executing actions. So, have an important objective, have SMART actions, put them in your task app and execute them. To complement this, have weekly meetings with your friend and carry out periodic reviews.

An extra point about discipline: could it be that, for a good part of your plan, you don't see results. Worry a little, but not too much. In studies, the following is common: lack of results at the beginning, followed by many results at the end . Stick with the plan!

How to study

Your actions must generate knowledge and, for this to happen, you need to know how to study .

PDI – Closing

We have reached the closing phase of the PDI.

I am writing this part on 03/15/2021, exactly at the closing stage of my plan, which runs until 03/31/2021. I still have some actions to take and some things to organize. Furthermore, I already need to start planning the next PDI.

Survey of deliverables

As I mentioned, the deliverables they are evidence of what was delivered. Some simple, others more valuable (and almost intangible). Therefore, take the time to evaluate and make a “report” of your deliverables .

If they are useful to someone, please share them with others. If they are important, be proud — after all, you started this plan based on Ikigai , right? 🙂

In both cases, archive the deliverables and have your portfolio. This can be useful in several ways, such as: self-knowledge, history, mentoring, in a future selection process, etc.

Extract maximum value — even when it looks like PDI is already over

Several opportunities may appear in the final stage of the PDI. If everything went well during the plan, you met people, learned a lot, and produced a lot. At the end of the PDI, you will be in top shape.

Take advantage of the moment and the opportunities that will only be visible towards the end, but that have been built over time . Some examples:

  • Give a talk at a new event (and perhaps with similar content to a talk you've already given during the plan);
  • Participate in a new program related to what I studied (in my case, the “Mentoring Program for Black Men and Women” on iFood);
  • Apply something that was created in a project that is ongoing and being handled by someone else.

Maybe you are tired or busy, but stay alert. Go to ” last mile “ in this final stretch, extracting as much value as possible.

Thank those who helped you

Learning is normally difficult and, as you may have heard, knowledge is something that no one takes away from you. This means that this knowledge will stay with you and that your life will not be the same as it would be without it.

So, if someone helped you on this journey, be grateful. We (and the people who help us) are often too tired and too busy. For this reason, it can be common to neglect this act of gratitude, which should actually be an obvious commitment. Closing can be the moment when we stop, take a look back, and realize how some people helped us.

For now, here is the list of people I need to thank in this cycle:

  • Helton Vale: my current manager, who gave excellent feedback on my PDI objectives, and who has been very concerned about my development;

  • Tatiane Payá: a person who worked here at iFood, who didn't know me, but spoke to me on a Friday holiday to share their experiences on a subject of interest to me;

  • Fabiano Santos (iFood): for your enormous patience and willingness to talk about my doubts and projects. My current PDI construction goes through the reflections we had in 2018 and 2019.


Along with the thanks, I will consider adding a return. For example, Tatiane suggested that I communicate in a certain way. I came back telling me: how I did it, what worked, what I learned (I learned a Slack tool — who knows, maybe she doesn't already know it?).

This action, in addition to the benefit it generates , produces other effects on the grateful person: satisfaction, encouragement to continue helping others, and strengthening the relationship.

Speaking of which, if anyone helped VERY in relation to development, it is worth considering something like a thank you letter (video example here ).

What went wrong

Here in this text are the lessons you learned, organized in the best possible way to facilitate your reading. This can give the feeling that everything is under control and that everything went well.

The reality is completely opposite: a large part of what was planned was not carried out — and my expectations for deliveries were higher than those achieved.

Therefore, I think it's important to talk about what didn't work:

  • One of the mentorships I planned to do didn't work out — the person was too busy. Furthermore, I didn't have the discipline and courage (out of shame) to look for someone else.

  • I was overworked and constantly (by choice) need to work beyond my location. I don't have a discipline "to switch off" .

  • In my perfect plan, I would read one book after another and take the courses at specific times (weekends). This did not happened.

  • I couldn't read the books I defined, much less the “extra books” I left on the list.

  • I found that a course needed X number of details to happen. I even tried to start a survey of details, but it didn't work.

Furthermore, I have several other problems, which do not need to be detailed here! The message is: a lot can go wrong. Make good planning (few items, feasible, focused data), have the discipline to follow it, try to work around problems. When necessary, accept problems.

Some extra comments

  • During planning, the head of the area created a public document where people filled in the objectives and actions of their PDIs. At first, I was reluctant to share my plan, but then I realized that it was really cool to learn more about other people's goals and even research some of the materials they listed.

  • The PDI is a plan focused on the development of a topic and that is why it is important to work it well. Do not forget, however, that Learning is constant and happens at different times in our lives.

  • Learning is always a good thing, but, The more we learn, the more we increase the feeling of not knowing — which can cause us some confusion and even discouragement. Therefore, have discipline and continue the process.

  • Different people need different PDIs. Look for the way that works best for you. Defend yourself, as much as possible, from external pressure. Use this text and other content as inspiration and comparison.

  • If, for some reason, you need to get incredible results in time, I highly recommend the book Ultralearning.


Here is a suggestion so that you can bring together, in a single view, all the topics that were presented here in this plan: template


Writing this text and doing this kind of “retrospective”, I realized that I am where I wanted to be. The development opportunity that exists here at iFood is incredible — whether through opportunities (different areas, products and challenges), or through people (3,000 FoodLovers), or even through the conditions and incentives for study offered by the company.

I hope you enjoyed reading! I'm open to your opinions, tips and comments.

Good studies.

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