iFood electric motorcycle promotes savings and sustainability in deliveries

Understand what the iFood electric motorcycle is, how it works and the benefits for delivery drivers and the environment.

The iFood electric motorcycle, exclusive to delivery partners on the platform, is economical and sustainable, promoting ecologically correct delivery.  

With the non-polluting electric mode, iFood moves towards compliance with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 13, which consists of Actions against global climate change.

Therefore, it is necessary to take urgent measures to combat the impacts of climate change, such as global warming. 

Therefore, understand what the iFood electric motorcycle is, how it works and the benefits for delivery drivers and the environment. 

What is the iFood electric motorcycle?

The iFood electric motorcycle is a non-polluting mode which uses electricity as a source of energy, that is, it does not need fuel.

Thus, developed by VOLTZ, an electric motorcycle manufacturer that is a partner of iFood, the model EVS Work It is a non-polluting and sustainable vehicle. Furthermore, it is silent and more economical than conventional motorcycles. 

Therefore, as it has a smaller and less complex engine than combustion motorcycles, the iFood electric motorcycle requires less maintenance and does not require lubrication. 

Finally, you will be able to control the motorcycle via an app where you can check the battery level, range and other information. 

When did it appear? 

The iFood electric motorcycle appeared in April 2021 with 30 units in a pilot project, in the city of São Paulo, in which delivery partners tested these motorcycles on their delivery routes. 

These tests aimed to adapt the best model with the best cost-benefit for the delivery person. 

In this way, with feedback from the delivery drivers, the motorcycle was adapted to better function in the delivery driver's day-to-day life. 

Thus, in March 2021, iFood announced the iFood Regenera, environmental impact plan to promote sustainability. 

One of its goals is to achieve carbon neutrality in delivery by 2025, through the use of electric vehicles, sustainable packaging It is deliveries without single-use plastic items. 

Among the investments to achieve this goal are electric motorcycles

What is the iFood electric motorcycle for?

The iFood electric motorcycle adds to other clean modes already used by delivery partners, such as electric and conventional bicycles, through the iFood Pedal, exclusive bike sharing program for delivery people. 

The objectives of adopting electric motorcycles are sustainability and economy. Therefore, electric motorcycles require less maintenance, which reduces costs for delivery drivers.   

Furthermore, as they do not emit CO2 into the atmosphere, electric motorcycles are an alternative to containing global warming. 

“Our goal is to ensure that 50% of iFood deliveries are made by vehicles that do not use fossil fuels, by 2025,” says André Borges, head of sustainability at iFood. 

What are the benefits?

The benefits of the iFood electric motorcycle are both for the delivery people and for the planet.  

Because they run on electricity, these vehicles do not pollute and help reduce fuel and maintenance costs for delivery drivers by up to 70%. 

A delivery person who travels, for example, 2 thousand km per month has a monthly fuel cost of around R$380 (considering R$6.55 per liter). 

With the electric motorcycle, this cost becomes a fixed value, considering the battery exchange system developed in the project, which generates savings of more than 60% for the delivery person in fuel alone.

Estimates show that electric motorcycles will be able to avoid releasing 30 thousand tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in a period of one year. 

In addition to reducing fuel costs, using the iFood electric motorcycle will also reduce maintenance costs, as there is less wear and tear on the engine. 

Who can use the electric motorcycle?

The vehicle is for iFood delivery partners, the only ones who will have access to the special conditions of the new electric motorcycle. 

Thus, the conditions include discounts and financing facilities, with lower rates than those offered by the market for delivery partners. 

Therefore, for iFood delivery partners, the electric motorcycle will cost R$9,990.90

In addition, delivery drivers will have a financing line with different conditions to enable the acquisition of electric motorcycles.

How does the iFood electric motorbike work?

The electric motorcycle works using electricity. Instead of a tank, this type of motorcycle has two rechargeable batteries that supply the engine. 

The maximum speed of the electric motorcycle can be adjusted, but the recommendation is to reach up to 85km/h to guarantee maximum battery autonomy.

The battery is plugged into a common socket where it is charged for up to six hours and is then attached to the motorcycle, providing energy for operation.  

Once the ignition is given, energy flows from the battery to the engine, whose moving parts transfer the energy to the sprocket, which drives the belt and makes the rear wheel rotate, giving the electric motorcycle movement. . 

How much does an electric motorcycle save? 

The iFood electric motorcycle can save up to 70% in fuel and maintenance costs when compared to the costs of a conventional motorcycle. 

How long does the battery last? 

The battery life of the iFood electric motorcycle depends on factors such as the speed reached, the weight of the riders and the routes taken. 

On average, the autonomy of a motorcycle with two batteries varies between 100 and 180 kilometers traveled. 

A battery charger on the bike allows it to be charged from any outlet. 

Another way to always have a battery on your bike will be through sharing. 

There will be 100 battery exchange points at Ipiranga Stations spread across more than ten neighborhoods in the city of São Paulo that will operate 24 hours a day.  

The sharing system will have subscription plans worth R$ 129 per month for those driving up to 2 thousand km; and R$ 319 monthly for unlimited mileage and exchanges. 

What will be the performance of the iFood electric motorcycle in the coming years? 

Thousands of iFood electric motorcycles should be circulating on the streets of Brazilian cities by the end of 2022. 

iFood will expand operations with electric motorcycles throughout Brazil, starting in São Paulo. This year, more Brazilian cities will have this vehicle option.  

Together with electric bikes, electric motorcycles will help meet iFood's goal of having 50% of clean deliveries by 2025. 

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