4 reading tips by Diego Barreto, from iFood

Four reading tips by Diego Barreto, VP of finance and strategy at iFood.

Also the author of a best seller, the VP of finance and strategy at foodtech tells us which titles remain on his favorites list

Diego Barreto is, in addition to iFood's VP of Finance and Strategy, one of the biggest names in New Economy of current times. And as a house saint who performs miracles, yes, we asked him what titles are essential for anyone who wants to understand more about the subject.

Check out the list below and here’s our tip: don’t forget to also read the best seller “New Economy: Understand why the entrepreneurial profile is swallowing up the traditional Brazilian entrepreneur”, written by Diego.

1. From Idea to Billion, Daniel Bergamasco

The journalist investigates the behind-the-scenes of the calls unicorn startups Brazilians, such as iFood, Nubank and 99. The book guides the reader to explain how these companies achieved such a position, as well as the methods and practices that revolutionized the market in which they operate.

2. Green-Yellow Unicorn, Paulo Veras

The book focuses on the history of 99, the first Brazilian unicorn and one of the biggest urban mobility current. The narrative is rich in lessons on entrepreneurship and leadership, told by the app's founder, Paulo Veras.

3. Principles, Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio is considered the “Steve Jobs” of investments, founder of fund manager Bridgewater Associates. In the book, he shares the lessons learned from his journey, always guided by “radical” truth. “The book explains very well the issue of meritocracy of ideas and the issue of transparency”, says Diego.

4. Exponential Organizations, Salim Ismail, Michael S. Malone and Yuri van Geest

“This title explains how some companies should organize themselves to have this capacity for exponentiation, to think big, think loudly, think in a connected way and think agile”.

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