Balance of donations: iFood transfers R$ 1.27 million in the 3rd quarter

Find out how the beneficiary organizations apply resources to combat hunger and deforestation and promote education

Download the iFood donation report here

There is news in the iFood donation program report: in the third quarter of 2022, the company transferred R$ 982,682.20 to the seven NGOs it supports and an additional amount of R$ 289,363 for the campaign Child Hope —in which he participated for the first time, receiving donations made during the event via app.

Thus, with these resources, the benefited organizations were able to combat food insecurity distributing more than 317 thousand meals and 4,011 food baskets. In the field of forest regeneration, 9,554 seedlings will be planted in the Atlantic Forest from January 2023. And, in education, 6,218 people took professional qualification courses.

Check out below how iFood's partner NGOs applied the donations received:

Citizenship Action – R$ 327.4 thousand

It was the one that received the most resources, applied to combating food insecurity through the distribution of food. This amount was used to distribute 300,000 meals. “The donations we receive via iFood are ways of providing dignity for those who are denied the right to food. For tens of thousands of people, this is one of the few chances to have a full meal”, says Rodrigo “Kiko” Afonso, executive director of Ação da Cidadania.

Central Única das Favelas (Cufa) – R$ 253.9 thousand

With this amount, the Mães da Favela program offered 2,158 food baskets to 8,632 people in vulnerable situations.

Gastromotiva – R$ 144.6 thousand

In its Refettorio, the NGO produced and served 17,229 meals for those experiencing food insecurity and fed 3,953 people with zero waste.

Organic Solidarity – R$ 111.2 thousand

Donations turned into 1,853 organic food baskets, which were donated by 10 institutions in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Santa Catarina — and benefited 9,250 people.

Generating Falcons – R$ 52.1 thousand

The NGO used this resource to train local leaders: 6,218 people took professional qualification courses and 499 got a job.

SOS Mata Atlântica Foundation – R$ 47.2 thousand

The amount donated will enable the planting of 9,554 seedlings of trees native to the Atlantic Forest from January 2023. “The plantations in partnership with iFood they occur in areas that greatly need this restoration work”, says Rafael Bitante, forest restoration manager at SOS Mata Atlântica.

All for Education – R$ 46.2 thousand

Donations that come from iFood are allowing initiatives such as Educação que Dá Certo, a mapping of good examples of educational policies in the country.

Want to know more? You can access iFood donation reports for the third, second and first quarter of 2022 online.

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