Cachorrada Cast: what happened in Gil's chat with Rafa Uccman

Cachorrada Cast is on air, a videocast presented by ex-BBB Gil do Vigor on iFood! The first guest was Rafa Uccman: find out what happened in this conversation here

First guest of the videocast revealed childhood memories and preference for unusual pizzas

On March 10th, the first episode of Dog Cast, a series of four videocasts that will be presented by ex-BBB Gil do Vigor. Every Thursday, at 6pm, Gil will have a lively chat with guest personalities and some of the winners of the 1 year free iFood promotion, which will include one person per day receiving R$ 18 thousand in in-app purchases for twelve months.

The guest at the premiere was comedian and digital influencer Rafa Uccman, 28 years old. And the special participation was made by Toni, from Minas Gerais, who won the “rejoiced ticket” for the promotion. “The first week, I made a point of ordering Australian food and tiramisu,” says Toni. “One of the first things I did was pay for fast food for the whole family. I was very happy to provide that.”

To warm up the conversation, Rafa and Gil placed their order on iFood: detox juice, snack and apple pie. In addition to exchanging experiences about his travel dreams and his childhood of many mischiefs in Fernandópolis (SP), Rafa participated in the games proposed in the videocast frames.

On Cachorrada 0800, for example, he was challenged to choose a type of food to order in the situations proposed by Gil. For a crush, Rafa would go for something light, like soup — and to skip the date, he wouldn't ask for anything. “If I order food, the person has an excuse to stay. It’s to get the message across that I’m in a hurry!”, said the influencer.

Gil also wanted to know what food reminded him of his childhood, and Rafa rescued glass shard gelatin, that dessert made from different colored gelatin cut into small cubes. “When I eat this dessert, I go back in time,” said Rafa.

Burger or brigadeiro?

Another fun moment was the Lascou-se! panel, in which the guests tell Gil which unusual situation they would choose between the two options presented. An example: eat as much brigadeiro as you want and never eat a burger again or vice versa?

Rafa stayed with the brigadier. “I’m much more of a sweet person. I often arrive at a restaurant and order dessert first.” Gil, like many iFood fans, he prefers the hamburger.

As a joke, Rafa revealed that he likes unusual pizzas, like hot dog pizza or chocolate and banana pizza with a Catupiry rim, to Gil's astonishment. Hot dog pizza, in fact, is one of the more unusual flavors between iFood orders.

Suddenly, the siren rings and Rafa gets a huge fright. It's time for the Vigorous Stories panel, in which the presenter and guest have to invent a story and continue creating the narrative according to a random word that they take from the cards in front of them.

Their story begins with Gil saying: “I didn’t like that you went to the fridge and ate my food, what’s your defense?” Do you want to know what Rafa responded? Watch the videocast in full on the iFood channel! To not miss the next episodes, click “Subscribe” to receive notification of new videos.

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