Sebrae Courses for iFood: discover the trails to specialize your restaurant

The Sebrae courses for iFood were the result of a partnership between the two companies to increase the development offer for restaurants, employees and delivery people. 

Thus, we will feed knowledge, dreams and new paths to build a better society for everyone. 

Therefore, check out the courses offered by Sebrae and iFood:

What are the Sebrae courses for iFood?

Sebrae courses for iFood offer a variety of training areas such as: marketing and sales, management and administrative/financial.

So, see the courses for each area:

Marketing and sales

Check out marketing-related courses:

How to increase your sales

Growth is directly linked to sales. This way, it would be a good Marketing strategy to help increase profits. 

Thus, the course offers training focused on sales and uses the main marketing components: product/service, price, point and promotion.

Duration: 3 hours.

Click here and access the course

Customer Success: how to win and keep customers

Firstly, a question, have you heard about this topic? No, so find out about this new business approach that puts the consumer at the center of everything and how to apply it to your business.

Duration: 2 hours

Click here and access the course.

Digital marketing 1, 2, 3, 4

Marketing is a powerful tool to help with engagement and sales.

Therefore, 4 content tracks are being offered on this topic. 

Therefore, in this course the participant will learn what digital marketing is and will be able to put into practice what the greatest experts do. 

In addition, you will improve knowledge such as: sales funnel in the customer journey and keywords on social networks, blogs and landing pages, as well as tips on how to build a winning strategy for social networks. 

Furthermore, another important topic that will be covered in one of the tracks is investment in communication, as well as a demonstration of how sponsored publications work, how much to invest and how to measure the results.

Marketing1 here

Marketing2 here

Marketing 3 here

Marketing 4 here

Sales price formation

To have a competitive advantage, it is important to be clear about the price charged for products and services. 

Are you charging too much or too little? Therefore, with this course you can learn how to set the appropriate sales price for your products or services.

Duration: 8 hours

Click here and access the course.


Check out the courses related to the management area:

Recipe for success: team and service

A qualified and engaged team is essential for business. So, learn about tools to recruit, hire, train, evaluate and manage your team.

Duration: 3 hours

Click here and access the course.

People management in bars and restaurants

An engaged team is essential for business success. 

This course will present content on how to develop your team, understand labor legislation and improve your business service with your team as an ally.

Duration: 2 hours

Click here and access the course.

Good practices in food services

Trail focused on issues related to food safety in the food preparation process, storage and conservation methods. 

Therefore, learn how to ensure all requirements for good food safety practices and improve your business.

Duration: 20 hours

Click here and access the course.

Financial administration

Check out courses related to administrative/financial: 

How to control cash flow

In this course, the focus is to provide visibility and help control the entire business cash flow, in a simple and direct way with a spreadsheet.

Duration: 2 hours

Click here and access the course.

How to buy well and from good suppliers

Partners are essential for business success. 

In this course it is possible to better understand the elements and steps involved in the purchasing process. In this way, the objective is to help the partner to be more assertive in investments and obtain better results for their business and customers. 

Duration: 2 hours.

Click here and access the course.

Simple national

Taxes? Calculations? In this course it is possible to understand which taxes are included in Simples Nacional and how to calculate them.

Duration: 3 hours

Click here and access the course.

Invest in Planning

Finally, do you have new business ideas and are unsure of the next step? Learn about the importance of planning and how to take advantage of business opportunities.

Duration: 3 hours

Click here and access the course.

In addition to the partnership with Sebrae, we offer more courses on iFood Decola, look here!

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